The Hard Truth About Personal Prayer

  1. Betty Buergler-Franz says:

    Thank you for these videos on prayer. I really like that you share your expertise with others and am curious if you offer a facebook group for those of us with grown children?

  2. Betty Buergler-Franz says:

    Thanks for these videos…what a great reminder! I like that you take the time to offer your expertise to others. Curious if you have a facebook group for those of us whose children are grown?

  3. Meredith Shane says:

    Thanks, I haven’t had my prayer time yet this morning and I will. In my last confession, a priest told me to give 15 minutes a day of simple prayer (outside of family rosary or Mass) and it will change my life. Your talk was reinforcing of this.

  4. Yes, this is a hard truth, but it is such a rewarding truth as you explain. I wish that this truth was better known. Thanks!

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