How to be a Better Mother

  1. It was a great post about raising children. I was really impressed by how you explained it. As a child I always wanted to have a good time with my parents. So I know how my kids feel. I will do my best for you to have good memories with me.

  2. Thank you for this video! I thought it was excellent! I love Saint Terese and have thought so much of the connection between motherhood and her little way. So thank you for articulating it so well. I’m really struggling right now with mortification of the senses. When I hear the kids screaming, I find myself saying “I can’t take this. I’m going to lose my mind.” Any tips?

  3. Katy Martin says:

    Thank you Nancy! Listening to this in the UK after a teary morning just feeling deflated about the littleness of motherhood and family life. It can seem so boring and my personal struggle is with envy of other people’s lives. Anyway, I found this so encouraging and will be taking my littleness and struggles… placing them in Jesus’ hands, knowing I’m not alone and that this can all help me to become a better mum :). Thank you x

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