Hey there friends-
Remember how we all learned that Eucharist comes from the Greek word meaning Thanksgiving?
I distinctly remember learning that and, at that moment, thinking, “Well, that’s sort of strange“.
But then, I quickly dismissed the strangeness telling myself only that Eucharist must be Thanksgiving. Simply because we are SO thankful that God is truly present in the Eucharist.
And so I moved on and didn’t really think about this connection… Until, well, yesterday when I sat down to research this podcast.
You see, today we are continuing with our series on the virtues of the rosary.
We are wrapping up the Luminous Mysteries by discussing Thankfulness as the virtue to meditate on while praying the 5th Luminous Mystery, the Institution of the Eucharist.
The first thing to note is that Christ thanks God for allowing him to sacrifice himself in scripture–he thanks him!
Therefore he sets as an example that when we acknowledge where we came from, who created us, the only way we can respond is with thanksgiving, and, as Christ demonstrated, thanksgiving demands a giving of self.
The mass is the highest form of thanksgiving that we can offer God–and in the mass, we hear the words of Jesus from the last supper, words that remind us that he THANKED God for the opportunity to sacrifice himself for us.
Powerful stuff.
I mentioned a few links in this episode, and here they are:
Thanks, as always, for being here!
Your sister in the small things.