J1ST 068: Grieving Together with Laura Kelly Fanucci

  1. Gabriela Meli says:

    Thank you both for this. I can’t wait to read the book! It’s been a month since I miscarried our 7th child at 9 wweeks. I prayed so much to be able to pass my baby naturally at home to be able to save her remains and bury her. God and Our Blessed Mother graciously answered my prayers just 1 week after finding out my baby had died, it was the day before my scheduled D&C. it was such a powerful experience. I was able to see my tiny baby in the sac and we had a beautiful rite when we buried her. It brought so much consolation m, healing and joy in the middle of the pain. I know she’s with God interceding for our family. We miss her dearly but know we will see her again.❤️

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