Jelly Bean Prayer (Free Tags for Easter!)

  1. PG says:

    couldn’t find the jelly bean prayer tag… disppointed

  2. Nicole says:

    I love this printable! There are a few grammatical/spelling errors on the printable though. Is there any way you can update this? I’d love to use it with my preschoolers! Thank you!

  3. Katey says:

    This is so cute! I would love to use this, but I’m wondering about the last paragraph. The two times it says “and”…should this read “an”? As in “An egg full…” and “…is an Easter treat.” Perhaps I’m not reading it right.

  4. tanya says:

    i wish I would have seen this before yesterday! I love this idea. Maybe next Easter I’ll use this though. My sonis 6 this year and so I like to think he knows the meaning of Easter so more than just bunnies and candy. I like the poem on the card too. Something like this wouljd be a good idea fo Sunday School on Easter Morning.

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