The Jesse Tree: Explanation for Catholic Families

  1. Christina says:

    I would like the quick start guide

  2. Kim says:

    I can not gain access to the Jesse tree link.

  3. Amanda says:


    I am unable to download your advent resources. They would be a great help to our Religion classes. Can you help please?

  4. Judy says:

    Help please with downloading Jesse Tree information

  5. Lisa Jeanne Jones says:

    Hi Nancy, I Have registered my email. Ande I also can’t access the jesse tree ornaments. Is there some other way I should be doing it?

  6. kathleen says:

    I would love to use this resource. Please help. It won’t download.

  7. Amy says:

    Please send Jesse Tree Info

  8. Monica says:

    I’d like to print up the Jesse Tree ornaments

  9. Yoon says:

    The link does not work. Please help ! Thanks

  10. Allison says:

    I’m not able to access the Jesse Tree quick start guide either…could you help?

  11. […] would suggest printing off the ornaments that your kids can color and the devotional readings. The Catholic Sprouts website has a ton of information and resources about it if you want to learn more. Last year I used […]

  12. Heather minten says:

    Hi Nancy,

    I could really use this link to work…please respond!

  13. Bobbi Wright says:

    Hi Nancy & Bill,

    I can’t access the Jesse Tree guide or ornaments- this will be so helpful for my Religious Ed class. Please help!

  14. Suzanna Ignacio says:

    The link is not working

  15. Shanna says:

    Hi, I also can”t access this from the library.

  16. Hayli says:

    Hi Nancy! I clicked on the link to download the Jesse Tree ornaments, but it keeps redirecting me to this page. Do you have a direct link to download the PDF I could try, other than the one in the resource library? Thanks!

  17. Ashley says:

    I’m trying to download the Jesse Tree Quick Start Guide and it won’t let me from your Resource Library. It just brings me back to this page. Any ideas?

    • al says:

      I am also not able to gain access and ge redirected back to this same page. Thank you for your help and *ALL* your ministry!

  18. […] Speaking of the Root of Jesse, do you have a tradition of the Jesse Tree? […]

  19. sunju says:

    thanks for you!!

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