Lenten Finger Puppets: General Instructions

  1. deb says:

    I would love the pattern as well, but the link isn’t fixed yet… please let me know when you fix it.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    I was really hoping to do this with my kids but, as mentioned below, the link is to the rosary coloring book (which looks amazing as well)! I would love the templates though!

  3. Sarah says:

    I would love these patterns, but the digital library links to the rosary coloring book instead of the felt patterns. Is it possible to update that link? Thank you!

  4. […] Lenten Finger Puppets – Catholic Sprouts […]

  5. Jeri Watson says:

    Hi Nancy!
    I love these and decided to tackle the task of sewing a set of felt ones for my girls!
    Would you allow me to print off extra copies of the paper ones and put them into activity bags at our church? I would leave them 100 percent as is. If not, it’s totally fine and still plan on telling friends about how great these are. Thanks!

  6. Dalia Smallwood says:

    Thank you so much for your amazing website! I’m a CCD teacher at our local church and could really use your puppets to teach the class.

    Txs so much,

    Dalia Smallwood


    Hi Nancy, where can we find the reflections?

  8. Lucy says:

    I can not wait to show my kids! I might be missing something, but can you show me where the link is for your simple reflections for the puppets? I don’t see it on the post. Thanks!

  9. Lucy says:

    I’m excited to make these for my kids! I might be missing something, but can you show me where the link is for your simple reflections for each puppet? Thanks!

  10. Andrea says:

    Thank you so much for this! My 8 yr old son wanted a craft to do and chose this one..It was a large undertaking, but he cut all of the patterns and most of the felt(some sisters helped), then I hot glued them together. They came out great! Thanks for the tip about taping the patterns to the felt! That was a life saver! My kids will be having a blast with these tomorrow!

  11. […] each morning when the baby is sleeping, teaching my older 2 a small lesson.  I plan on using these Lenten Finger Puppets I made last year.  Follow the link for all of the templates, if you’d […]

  12. Lisa says:

    These are so incredibly precious! This was one of the most viewed posts in my Lenten Linkup. I am featuring you tomorrow in the Day 4 post of my 5 Days of Observing Lent series. Be sure to stop by. 🙂

  13. LauraOinAK says:

    This is such an awesome idea and I’m so glad you shared it on the 40 Days of Seeking Him meme a few weeks back. I’m thinking these will be fantastic for teaching the faith throughout the year.

  14. Monica says:

    Hi Nancy…just shared your index image with a link today on a new post. Hope you like it!
    DIY Catholic Kinder Surprise!!

  15. Teresa says:

    These finger puppets are adorable! Thank you for sharing. Many families can benefit from your tutorial.

  16. My son is only eleven months, and I have been wondering about how I could make Lent a positive experience for him in the years to come. This is such a great idea. I might have to employ my mom to make them, though… or if you ever plan to sell sets, I’d be interested. 🙂

  17. Awww, these are so cute! Wish I had known about this when I was teaching Kindergarten!

  18. Chrystal says:

    Spreading the love and stopping in from the link up! These are awesome I must say! I am certainly going to pin this so that next year my middle daughter can practice her sewing skills (while learning more in depth about each character) and then we can use them to help teach our youngest! How wonderfully creative!

  19. Marilyn says:

    These are awesome, Nancy! 🙂

  20. Kara says:

    This is such a wonderful idea, Nancy!

  21. Catherine Glazner says:

    I love this!! I am doing this for my Primary kids and their lessons!! Also for my daughter to play with during sacrament! Love it, and thank you so much for sharing!

  22. Monica says:

    You are speaking my language. =) I love felt crafts and I love your finger puppets! I love your tip about using the packing tape to cut the small pieces and I love that glue is an option. Ooh, I really want to make these! I hope it’s ok that I start spreading this post e v e r y w h e r e !!

  23. Jenny says:

    Oh my word this is brilliant! I am pinning this for sure. I have three kids under 4 and was wondering how I was going to help them get a start on understanding Lent. Christmas is a lot more accessible (babies! animals in the stable!) but this looks alike a fantastic way to help them learn. And the directions are so clear!Thank you, thank you, thank you! (p.s. I found your link on the Catholic Women Bloggers FB group!)

    • totally agree about how Christmas is easier to teach to the young than lent. I hope you have a chance to make these for your little ones and that they serve your family well!

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