Photo-Framed Family Tree Inspired by #ProjectKid

  1. Sky says:

    This is ADORABLE! What a neat idea! I love inspiration books like this too- and now my boys are old enough they could look through and even go at it themselves. That rocket on the front looks so fun too! Thanks for sharing hon 🙂

  2. Kadie says:

    CUTE! I love the family tree and that it’s something the kids can easily help with. What a great way to help them learn about the importance of family.

  3. Love this!! Such a fun project idea!!

  4. Marilyn says:

    Nancy, this book looks like it has some fun projects! I LOVE your family tree! 🙂

  5. Melanie says:

    Neat project, and that book looks lovely!

  6. LOVE this project! It’s a perfect way to get little ones involved with their heritage and family history!

  7. amy says:

    What a fun project and a great way for kids to learn about and begin to actually see the connections in their family tree! That looks like a fabulous book!

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