Why I Let People Buy My Kids Obnoxious Toys For Christmas

  1. Zoe Campos says:

    Thanks for letting me know that toys can be a lifesaver especially for busy moms. I’ve been thinking of what I should give my sister as a Christmas gift since she can nearly afford everything and reading your article gave me a good idea. Maybe I should give her a few hours all to herself and take my nieces out to a nearby toy store for a shopping spree.

  2. Ched says:

    Thank you for sharing this post! And all the wonderful things you share about Christmas

  3. Erin says:

    I love this. I was an aunt for 20 years before I became a mother. My little guy is one year old and the first grandchild on either side of our family in 13 years (I am much younger than my siblings and my husband and i met/married late in life). The aunts/uncles and cousins spoil him like crazy. I keep my mouth shut, say prayers of thanksgiving that he is loved so well and remember how much joy it brought me to be the aunt!

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