Life with Kids: Living in the Mess

  1. Cheryl Cross says:

    I love this so much Nancy and it speaks to my heart and where I am in life as well, for right now. In two weeks Dale and Sarah close on their new home (they’ve lived with us for for well over a year and I have loved every minute of them living with us, even with all the things you outlined in your blog). There are so many more things about having little kids in my house that I will miss, than those that I don’t (I’m getting tears as I write this). Enjoy this time, even though moments are hard, they won’t last forever and the excitement when you walk through the door (Nana!!!!) the hard part (but also the un-contained excitement) won’t be there forever. When the biggest excitement of the day is a little one deciding that today is the day they are going to start going potty on the potty chair every time, fades, and it replaced by and equally wonderful next phase. Love it all for those of us who miss it. Life is wonderful and God is so good to us, even though we don’t deserve it. I have been truly blessed by this experience and will deeply miss it.

    • Oh Cheryl, how beautiful that you had this time with your grandbabies! It is something to actually live in the same house as kids, isn’t it, not just near them? It’s all the small moments, I think, that make live so beautiful. Prayers for Dale and Sarah during this transition. Moving is exciting, but when doing it with kids it can be intense!

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