3 Mistakes I Made That Led to My Phone Addiction

  1. Reyne says:

    This is my Lenten promise this year. I’m find myself “gorged” in having spending time on my phone, like I’ve had too much candy.

    My addiction are to apps. as well. I have to be on social media for my job but I don’t have to do things immediately. I could check once in the morning and once in the evening. I am looking at getting an iWatch so I won’t have my phone on me and the constant temptation to look at my email and apps. So if anything comes across my phone that needs immediate attention I can see but if it can wait then I don’t need to get my phone.

    Curious if an iWatch helps this. Does anyone have experience?

  2. Beth says:

    Absolutely love this honesty. I deal with the same issue and reasons. I realized it was my escape and I accepted it, but STILL continued. I’ve been trying to purposefully “leave it” in another room so it is physically far from me. One thing my husband implemented was a phone drop off place. He took the first row of one of those hanging shoe racks (like the over-the-door one’s with pockets) and he hung that on the wall next to our kitchen. It’s high enough for our 6 yr old to reach in case of an emergency but not the younger kids who have no self control (like me) and just want to push buttons. One of the best things that works for me (besides sticking to the plan of putting our phones in the designated spots when we enter the house) is actually asking my rule-following 6yr old to keep me accountable. We talk about how “screen slaver” is a real thing (from the Incredibles 2) and that mommy needs help fighting screen slaver. He is so good about reminding me and when your own kid reminds you, it really hits home.

    Thanks for writing this and reminding me. (Setting my phone down for the night)

  3. Kari says:

    I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. I think I use my phone for everything. It is my camera, map, alarm clock, phone, computer, entertainment, and to be quite honest my social life! I think if I could just go back to having it be my phone (and map as needed) a lot of my problems would be solved. Thanks for the inspiration to change.

  4. Trisha says:

    I stumbled across your fb page a few weeks ago and have found myself loving everything you post. I feel very much lost most days recently…mom of 4, husband who travels a lot, starting a new side business with husband, feeling unappreciated most days and lost in my catholic faith in recent days. Your posts are so relatable and honest and it’s just what I’ve needed. Thank you. I especially loved this one on phones. It’s like you were speaking about ME!

  5. Danielle says:

    Wonderful article! It really hit home. You’ve inspired me to try to turn off the notifications on my phone, so that I won’t be tempted to automatically open an app once I see that there has been some activity. Instead, I will try to be mindful by reviewing and addressing my notifications during a specifically dedicated time.

  6. Natalie says:

    This was me. I even deleted apps but found myself just using my phone’s browser to access the same things. Mindlessly scrolling, escaping, finding a zillion rabbit holes that seemed important but were really just taking me farther away from my vocation as mom. And I was always wondering why I struggled with focusing… so a few months ago I just got rid of my iPhone. Got a super-fly phone straight outta 2004! There are a few annoying things (remember when you had to mapquest everything BEFORE you left the house? And yes, my 1mega pixel camera makes my kids look like characters from Minecraft) but it has been REALLY good. As if being a practicing Catholic isn’t counter-cultural enough…

    • Whoa, you really did it! That is awesome! We all talk about doing it, but you really did it. Would you consider coming on the podcast and telling this story? SERIOUSLY. I would love to hear more about it!

  7. Sarah Winter says:

    Thank you for this! “I use my phone to escape…” yes. As I lie here with yet ANOTHER wicked case of mastitis I scroll through my facebook feed, hoping to somehow get out of my body. Of course it doesn’t help, I am swept away by the atrocities of the day, the debates, the controversies, the inanities. Your post redeemed the moment. So now I’m going to put the phone down, watch the baby being silly, and –maybe pray? Maybe except the suffering? Maybe offer it up?

  8. Karyn says:

    I had my husband do something that made the internet go down at a certain time every day (I don’t have a smartphone). It was really nice having a “hard stop” on my computer time — it ensures that I spent time reading or hanging out with my husband in the evening instead of being on the computer.

  9. Lisette says:

    Great post. I am seriously thinking about designating a ‘phone space’ in our house, perhaps on the kitchen counter. I have become very aware of how mobile phones tend to seep into our lives, especially now that I have a one year old daughter and she is fascinated with my phone- a habit I dont want to encourage!

    • I agree. It is something I need to get a handle on now. What would your “phone space” in your home look like? Is it a space for storing your phones? Using your phones? Sorry–just looking for some solutions for my own family!

      • N says:

        Disable “ok Google” and Siri if your phones are in an open space that’s accessible to kids even when they don’t know the password. Kids can still view thumbnails even if they don’t have a password via Google assistant and Siri.

  10. Darlene P. says:

    So insightful. As you discern this for yourself begin to plan how you will negotiate this caveat with your children. The very technology that is suppose to give us more free time/make life easier most often steals the very essence of it. When you hold that phone in your hand think of your heart connections and how it is the disconnection . . . it appeals to “self”and not to””others” focused living which, as a mother, is a powerful draw as most of the time we are living the “other” focus, but instead of nourishing it robs. In our world everyone is busy and what our mothers had is hardly available: getting together and sitting on the stoop with a beverage to chat while the children played on the lawn. That is a scene/feeling/moment that no phone can provide. And that is why it becomes so addictive because it never leaves you satisfied, but instead has you yearning for more.

    • Yes! I feel like I should rewrite this post to include what you have just shared here! It never satisfied and that is why it is so addictive! You are so wise and this is so true. Thank you!

  11. Sarah says:

    I have the same problem with my iPad. I started giving myself a timer when I get on social media. I tell myself “I need to live in MY real life, not spend so much time browsing someone else’s.”

  12. Courtney says:

    Love this! I had the same revelation when I lost my phone for a few days several months ago….so freeing! I too am working on being intentional and leaving it behind. Thanks for sharing!

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