And all of a sudden its mid-November.
Perhaps it’s the beautiful weather here in Kansas, or the fact that I have been busy lauching my planner, but this fall is flying by.
Advent is right around the corner, and I really want to do a good job with Advent this year.
To be honest, our family prayer life was slipped a bit recently.
There are a million reasons–nursing baby, traveling husband, difficult toddler–but we need to regroup and refocus around here. So that is the plan for Advent.
I put it together a few days ago, and I wanted to offer it to you as well.
You can find the materials for this project, and MANY other Catholic projects in the Catholic Family Digital Resource Library. To get instant access, and join a thriving community of over 10,000 Catholic Parents, just enter your in your email address.
Full disclaimer, I didn’t come up with this idea.
Here’s how it works.
First off, download and print the PDF.
I designed this for children to color.
Have them color the image of Baby Jesus, as well as the titles of Christ.
Once everything is colored, hang the image of Baby Jesus on the wall and cut apart the titles of Christ.
Add color to the backside of the titles, if you want to have a colorful countdown chain.
As a final step to up this countdown, create loops out of the paper titles, in any order, and create a chain as you go.
Once Advent begins, remove one link from the chain each day.
Read the title of Christ, as well as the verse it comes from. The verse is noted beneath each title. You can stop there or you can memorize the verse, sing it, hang the title beneath the image of baby Jesus, whatever feels right to your family.
But the ultimate goal is that at the end of Advent you have the image of Baby Jesus surrounded by all of his titles and this will hit home the fact that God, the King of the Universe, humbled himself and to be born as a little, defenseless baby, in a stable.
And that miracle never gets old.
Your sister in Christ,
Hi. I would love to get the pdf to make chain with my children at home.
Awesome find on a Monday morning! I registered an account, but I don’t see a link for the cool Names of Jesus countdown PDF. Is that available in the library?
Thanks so much for sharing!
It is available in the library. email me directly if you are having issues.
Hi, I would like to download the Names of Jesus Advent Names of Jesus PDF. I can’t find a link. Can you send me a link or the file?
You have to sign up and I will send you a link to the library, where you will find this project.
Hi there … what a fantastic Monday to have stumbled upon your site! You are blessed with amazing talents and I so look forward to browsing through your library to avail of material for my kids.
On that note, I was trying to take a peak at the Advent Colouring Book and the link keeps taking me to the Names of Jesus link. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I did try a few times so thought I would let you know.
Anyways, my best to you and yours.
Wow, Nancy- thanks for sharing the idea, and thanks for the PDF! Your work is beautiful (as always) and will save lots of time. 🙂
I just loved your idea so much!
Yes! Not a lot of effort and free. This will be great for our survival mode life right now. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
We are going to be trying it for the first time this year as well. Once you use it, let me know if you would have made any changes!