The Names of Jesus Advent Countdown

  1. Kimberlyn Esparza says:

    Hi. I would love to get the pdf to make chain with my children at home.

  2. Sarah Pride says:

    Awesome find on a Monday morning! I registered an account, but I don’t see a link for the cool Names of Jesus countdown PDF. Is that available in the library?
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Marie Taylor says:

    Hi, I would like to download the Names of Jesus Advent Names of Jesus PDF. I can’t find a link. Can you send me a link or the file?


  4. Merlyka Fonseca says:

    Hi there … what a fantastic Monday to have stumbled upon your site! You are blessed with amazing talents and I so look forward to browsing through your library to avail of material for my kids.

    On that note, I was trying to take a peak at the Advent Colouring Book and the link keeps taking me to the Names of Jesus link. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I did try a few times so thought I would let you know.

    Anyways, my best to you and yours.

  5. Wow, Nancy- thanks for sharing the idea, and thanks for the PDF! Your work is beautiful (as always) and will save lots of time. 🙂

  6. Alicia says:

    Yes! Not a lot of effort and free. This will be great for our survival mode life right now. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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