
The Natural Mother Myth

  1. Emma says:

    I was just contemplating my own struggles with motherhood when I saw this. Thank you for the reminder that I am not alone or defective because I can’t do it all effortlessly.

  2. Alison says:

    This post is balm to my soul. Thankyou for sharing it,

  3. heather says:

    I can so relate to all of this….especially #5. And also….the not homeschooling thing 😉 in my house, we are all really happy when school starts again!

    • Thanks Heather! And, thanks for that about the homeschooling thing. See, that’s another thing about it. I have wonderful memories of school as a kid and I almost hate for my kids to miss out on that. Plus, after the day I’ve had I’m all like, okay, when can I send you off to school? Now? Soon? 😉

  4. LOVE ALL OF THIS! I feel like I keep commenting the same thing, but you are telling so much truth lately!

  5. Carolyn says:

    “And, when in doubt, blame it on teething.”

    Right?! I could embroider this on a pillow for how often I say it to myself. Baby cranky? Must be cutting a tooth. Slightly feverish? There’s gotta be another incisor on its way. Funky diapers? Molars, obviously.

    I’d say it’s a little of both, being a “natural” is probably easier for some than others, but everyone has to work at it. It’s kind of like what I used to tell people about being a TV anchor: it’s all acting! 🙂

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