My Pretty ABC’s eBook on Sale Today! (and a giveaway)

  1. Anne says:

    You mentioned selling on Etsy. How do I find you there?

  2. Vickie says:

    Do you by chance know your yardage of the various different colors for the alphabet books. I’m not much of a mathematician when it comes to figuring out yardage.

  3. […] I am so excited I have decided to offer everyone a special deal this week.  Can't decided between MY PRETTY ABC's (girl version) and MY ABC ADVENTURE (boy version)?  Then don't!  For this week only I'm offering […]

  4. […] Wooden Teething Rings | 6 Mason Jar Superhero Banks 7 DIY Fabric Necklaces | 8 Bow Hair Ties | 9 My Pretty ABCs Felt Book 10 Felt Cow Notebook Hugger | 11 Crafty Monster Bookmarks | 12 Sidewalk Chalk […]

  5. Lynn says:

    Hello Nancy – I am trying to purchase your Felt Alphabet book – but it doesn’t seem to be taking my credit card details. It just says processing – processing – processing – for quite a long time. I am using an overseas cc but that shouldn’t make any difference? You are just emailing a pdf pattern correct? Thanks for the response….Lynn

  6. […] can’t wait!  As you can see from the pictures, the project is something I’m calling “My Pretty ABC’s” and it’s a girly felt alphabet book.  (PS–pattern is now available!)  I’ve […]

  7. Capi says:

    What a sweet book, Nancy. You have done a great job on this!

  8. Nancy B says:

    Your “My Pretty A B C’s” is an adorable book. It would be a wonderful way for a toddler to learn the alphabet.

  9. Bethany says:

    I just LOVE your felt book and all the pictures of your beautiful little girl!

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