Pro-Life Embroidery (Confetti Stitch)

  1. angelica says:

    pro choice is the true catholic belief <3 <3 <3

  2. Char Cunha says:

    I loved your story and have two children grown up now that I cherished every day with them as well. Just like Mary I remember in my heart their lives. We raised our kids in a Christ filled family church and they know God but one does not walk with God and the other has no use for Jesus and feels our strength and faith comes from energy in the universe. :0( I am sharing this only to ask your suggestion for my project. I am attempting to quilt a queen size signature quilt for my daughters wedding gift. Between you and I is there an embroidery stitch I can use that I would know means that His Spirit will be watching over her and her to be husband for the rest of their lives. I probably do not make sense in asking but felt led to at least ask you the question. I know God will meet her where she is at. He has promised me that before I die my children will be saved. Thank-you Almighty Lord. Amen. Amen.
    I am by no means an experienced stitcher and at the Bridal Shower I am giving each guest will get a quilt square to embroider their name, itials or what they feel like putting as their gift so I do not know if any of them are experienced stitchers either.
    Thank-you for all you do and for your precious help.

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