The Rosary: The Prayer of Sinners

  1. Marlyne says:

    Love your post, and we cannot sugar coat the fact that the evil one exists. I wasted so much of my life not praying to God, nor our Blessed Mary, i recite the Holy Rosary, St Michael Chaplet and Divine Mercy daily, if i miss a day or two, i make it up the next day. I am going to share your posts to my CCE students when it starts again in the Fall.
    Thank you for the wonderful work that you do, it is appreciated.

  2. Jessie says:

    Thank you for this lovely reminder on the importance of at least trying to pray the Rosary even if we might be destined to fail. I have gone through seasons where I am really good at praying it everyday and then life happens and I get caught up in the “busyness”, which is what the Evil one wants. Right now I’m in a “busy” period trying desperately to get back to praying the Rosary.

    Sometimes when I’m not praying it daily I find myself turning to it when I have a problem and find great comfort in it. Especially if I am having a particularly challenging day as a Mom dealing with kids who can get unruly. Especially now with being cooped up at home because where we live in Canada we are under stay-at-home orders right now. But Mother Mary is always there when you need her the most!


    Late last year I had an encounter with an Evil Presence and I didn’t say the Rosary but I did say a prayer to Mary and instantly the presence was gone. Further reinforcing your point that the Devil doesn’t want us to be under Mary’s protection because he’s afraid of her, not only is he afraid of her but his minions are too.

  3. What a lovely and genuinely rousing post on imploring the rosary. I’ve thought about the things you said about wavering to implore the rosary.

  4. Kathryn says:

    What a beautiful and truly inspiring post on praying the rosary. I’ve thought all of the things you said about hesitating to pray the rosary. This past month though I have felt drawn to Mary and to pray to her, like your story I lost my first born at 23 weeks and prayed to her for comfort and strength. We are all of her children and I felt as a mother to a mother she could help me through my grieving. I think she led me to your page to help me even further. I ordered your booklet and look forward to receiving it to help me in my rosary praying. Thank you for your posts and inspiration.

    • oh goodness, you’ve lost a baby too. Mary is so good about coming to and using her most humble servants. I hope you find just a little peace and comfort through my humble work. It would be my honor to remember you in prayer. What did you name the baby you lost?

  5. Rachel says:

    Hello from Warwickshire, England! Two things I just wanted to say:
    Firstly, THANK YOU for your wonderful posts. I’m a new reader and arrived on your page after following a link to “25 Lenten promises for wives and mothers”. Such an inspirational start to my Lenten journey and especially valuable as I’m discovering what it is to live Lent as a Mother for the first time this year!
    Secondly, I always used to fall asleep praying the Rosary. ALWAYS. And I took that as an indication of how completely calm and safe that prayer made me feel. What a blessing!
    In my prayers x

  6. Teacher Riya says:

    I loved this post depicting the important of rosary prayer. As a human, we sometimes make mistakes unwillingly. This prayer is an excellent way to find peace after it.

  7. Hilah says:

    Don’t you think the devil fears the Holy Trinity more than he fears Mary? I am a Catholic and I love the Blessed Mother, but sometimes it feels like she is equal to Jesus in some people’s mindset.

    • Yes, it’s a little confusing. It’s just that since Mary act out of such perfect unity with God and she does the will of God so perfectly, fear of God, from Satan’s perspective, isn’t that much different than the fear of Mary. Where Mary is God is as well.

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