How To Use My Felt Patterns

  1. Colleen S says:

    Nancy, I bought your little girl alpha book last night and I have a few questions. First of all although your pages say $5 until March 15th, I paid $7.50. How many strands of embroidery floss do you use. I haven’t been able to find any full size pictures of your finished pages for reference. The pics on the cover are too small to distinguish what stitch you used or even color. I’m so frustrated. The pattern itself is great although as a children’s librarian, you should know that reading specialists always advise beginning w lower case not upper case letters since they are viewed a minimum of 20 to 1 times. Anyway I sure would love to make something as beautiful as your creations but I need a little more guidance such as bigger pics! Thanks for the color info pages though. Best to you and your lovely children, Colleen

    • I’m sorry for your frustration. A few answers:
      1. I used 2 pieces of embroidery floss for all of the stitching throughout the book. I mostly used a matching color of floss to the felt I was stitching on. All of the pieces of felt are stitched down to the page with a running stitch. The running stitch is SUPER simple, but here is a tutorial if you need it:
      I will work on putting together a doc with bigger pictures.
      All the best,

  2. […] it's basically just a lot of cutting and stitching, and simple stitching at that!  Check out THIS POST for a full run down of how easy putting this book together actually is.  Now, I said easy, not […]

  3. Tammy Cordery says:

    You are so wonderful. Love your blog.

  4. I love these! What a fun project!!

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