When It Feels Like I Don’t Have Anything Left for My Husband

  1. Faith says:

    Oh wow! All of this is so ME right now and has been for the last few years of my marriage. And I only have one kid! But I’m just exhausted all the time, I don’t feel sexy, and I always roll my eyes. I can’t even get to number 5 (and I want to as does he!) but at the end of the day with work, household & kid responsibilities as well as financial stress, I just don’t feel as though I have the energy to “give” any more. I’m on empty. And that’s what it feels like, giving, not sharing & enjoying our relationship as we use to. But reading this helps me to realize that it’s not just me. I know my husband loves me and wants our intimacy back. I “know” we need to get this part of our relationship going again and this post is what I need to “snap out of it” and stop playing the victim. I am going to try my best to work through these steps…I really think it will help and I appreciate your candor! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Stephanie says:

    THANK you for speaking the truth! Especially for the tips on how to kick your own bad habits. This is me. Favorite part is wiping cracks and making snacks. I’m going to use that now! LOL.

  3. Anonymous says:

    In all honesty, I no longer feel attractive enough for number five. Not through anything my husband has done but after having six kids, gaining weight, and now in the first trimester….I have a hard time believing he finds me attractive still šŸ™

    • Sweetheart, I’m sure he does. Seriously! Especially when you are pregnant! My husband always tells me that I’m at my most attractive (to him) when I’m pregnant. something about being a man… But, really, talk to your hubby about this. I feel confident that he feels differently than you think!

      • Karyn says:

        Oh, he says I’m more beautiful than ever, because he’s like that. But that ugly voice in my head likes to point out, what else can he say? As for pregnancy, I love that, at least for awhile, I’m supposed to have a big belly, lol!

  4. Susan says:

    As a mother of 3 who has sent her oldest “baby” off to college this past year and will send my second “baby” off next year, I think it’s important to remember that while you’re in that stage, each day seems to last a lifetime, but it flies by in the blink of any eye. Having a married for ever for good and for bad marriage is key, that and patience, love, gentleness, kindness and a sense of humor. (love your line “after a day of wiping cracks and making snacks, sometimes Iā€™m just so done.”)

    • It is so good to hear your very wise perspective, Susan. I can’t believe your girls are off to college! And I “know” that these years will fly by. You are just so right–it’s the DAYS that seem to last forever.
      All the best–and so glad I know you.

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