40 Faith-Building Lenten Activities

  1. Gretchen Zupek says:

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Lisa J says:

    I love that I googled Lent crafts and there you were!!!

  3. Charlene Pickart says:

    I was trying to print the black and white page with the Lenten good deads chart, but I could only copy the two which overlapped each other. (colored one in front of black and white one. Please let me know how I can print only the black and white one. Thank you! Charlene

  4. Anne Angelle says:

    These are awesome! I’m 65 years old and the crafts excited me! Wish my grandson was old enough to some of these with me. Thank you for putting this together!

  5. Joa says:

    WoW! I’m so impressed with wht you do and your ideas of introducing kids to religious life! The first idea I copy from you is Rosary quiet books for my 1,5 year old daughter. Thank you! Gd bless you richly! Greetings from Poland!

  6. Monica says:

    Hi Nancy! Great summary post for Lent! Thanks for sharing my crafts! I’ve added a few things this year…a brand new Stations of the Cross Craft Kit and Carousel: http://www.equippingcatholicfamilies.com/2015/01/stations-carousel-craft-kit.html and a Gallery of 26 Lent Activities: http://www.equippingcatholicfamilies.com/2015/02/lent-activities-gallery.html and the Wooden Painted Saint Passion Play (in an egg carton!) : http://www.equippingcatholicfamilies.com/2014/03/painted-saint-passion-play.html Thanks for sharing! I LOVE those finger puppets!!!

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