
Just Let It Be Hard: the competition of motherhood

  1. Muskan says:

    This was such a beautiful post, Somehow I feel every parent has their own entitlement towards their parenting style. They may even be the ones who have the need to compete with fellow parents in some aspects. we just have to appreciate and know that we do not have to become what we don’t appreciate. Motherhood plays an important role in positive parenting.

  2. Agneserick says:

    Motherhood is very beautiful

  3. Andrea says:

    What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing. I think we’ve all felt (and inflicted) the sting of competition, as we scramble for a pat on the back from each other. We naturally want to be sympathized with instead of sympathizers. The women in my life who have sympathized with me in my struggles have helped soften my heart towards others. Their example has shown me that it is better to be a support than a competitor. We mothers REALLY need to lean on each other.

  4. Nell says:

    Agh so true. I have to fight down this part of myself too. And just be with my friend where she is. Thank you for the solidarity and reminder!!

  5. Karyn says:

    This was such a good post. I don’t know any other moms with large families and so part of me is always thinking, yeah, but trying doing that with six kids, while homeschooling, while pregnant with number seven, while etc etc. Where does that ugliness come from? The seven kids aren’t even my doing — how can I be proud of a gift! Thank you for the reminder!

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