The Virtues for Catholic Youth Study is live! To grab your copy CLICK HERE For all the details on this incredible Virtues Study, designed for children ages 9-15, please read the rest of this email. I have a special sneak peek for you!!! But first, when I offer a new product I like to give […]
Hey friend, Imagine something for me. How powerful it would be if a father sat down with his son for 10 minutes five times a week and discussed things like Purity, Mortification, Generosity, and Holiness. Imagine the lessons that could be taught by a mother to her daughter if they spent an hour each Saturday sharing about Humility, Gratitude, Love, and Hope. Just imagine. […]
Anyone just SICK of hearing about how this Spring, the Spring of 2020, was unprecedented? I am. At first “unprecedented” seemed exciting…and then after the long slog of months with no Mass, Distance Learning, parks closed, and endless Zoom calls… We all realized that “unprecedented” just means miserable. And parts of these months in quarantine […]
Several years ago I sat down and drew up 26 simple Catholic ABCs coloring pages. One for each letter of the alphabet. They were good enough, but I am NOT a professional graphic designer by ANY stretch of the imagination. But lots of families used those coloring pages. And as of this morning, over 20,000 […]