Stopping in today to share a silly little something that my girls and I came up with: Melty Bead Mini Saints. Or to be more accurate, melty bead mini Mary and Jesus. They are small, adorable, and quick to make, so we love them. I spent a few minutes this evening converting my messy graph […]

Catholic, Faith, Family, kids crafts, MAry, Saints

July 28, 2020

Melty Bead Mini Saints


The Virtues for Catholic Youth Study is live!  To grab your copy CLICK HERE For all the details on this incredible Virtues Study, designed for children ages 9-15, please read the rest of this email. I have a special sneak peek for you!!! But first, when I offer a new product I like to give […]

books, Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Faith, Family, parenting, Saints, teaching the faith

June 23, 2020

The Virtues for Catholic Youth: LOOK INSIDE!

catholic books for families

Hey friend, Imagine something for me. How powerful it would be if a father sat down with his son for 10 minutes five times a week and discussed things like Purity, Mortification, Generosity, and Holiness.  Imagine the lessons that could be taught by a mother to her daughter if they spent an hour each Saturday sharing about Humility, Gratitude, Love, and Hope. Just imagine. […]

books, Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Family, parenting, Saints, teaching the faith

June 21, 2020

The Virtues for Catholic Youth

catholic books for kids

Following the theme of ‘we can’t control things outside ourselves,’ we’re needing to take a week off from the Advent Book Study of Interior Freedom and instead, we’re sharing something else… The 12 Days of Christmas!  Hoping that sharing this week gives you time to prepare a few ‘liturgical living’ activities but also gets you […]

Advent, Catholic, Christmas, Family, Podcast, Saints, teaching the faith

December 15, 2019

J1ST 099: 12 Days of Christmas

Catholic Women podcast christmas