
Our Stations of the Cross Storybooks have been flying off the shelves as families and classroom prepare to journey with Jesus to the cross. But, do you know the history of this devotional?  No?  Well here it is! Since the early days of the Church, Christians returned to Jerusalem to mark Jesus’s Passion, Death and Resurrection each […]


March 13, 2022

History of the Stations of the Cross

History of The Stations of the Cross

If there is one Bible verse invoked more than any other in the effort to convince parents to bring their children to Eucharistic Adoration, it is this one: [su_quote cite=”(Mark 10:13-16)”]People were bringing little children to him so that he might touch them; the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he […]

adoration, Uncategorized

June 14, 2021

Why bring your children to Eucharistic Adoration?

eucharistic adoration

Setting up a dedicated prayer place at home is one of the most important things you can do as you embark on transforming your home into a Domestic Church. But, before you start throwing your hands up with objects, let me be clear. Your prayer place can (and maybe should) be small, simple, a dynamic […]


April 14, 2021

Simple Guide in Creating a Prayer Place at Home

creating a prayer space

Hola! Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to our latest project: SAINTS LIKE ME: Great Latino Catholics. This little board book has been a labor of love for us, and it is the 2nd of 4 books that we are making in this series. Last fall we launched: Book #1: Great Black Catholics This is book […]


April 13, 2021

Saints Like Me: Great Latino Catholics

Latino Saints