
I’m one of those annoying people that only realizes how good something was as it’s about to end.   Or just after it’s ended. In my early days of motherhood, I was chatting with my sister, a then experienced mother of 3.   Since I was at the game of motherhood for a solid 3 […]


August 9, 2015

The Best Days are the Days We Don’t Do Anything

Little Bernadette has a new favorite saying, one we have started to hear at every mealtime, bedtime, during every car ride, potty break, a moment of organized play, and especially when I’m trying to get her dressed. “I can’t want that.” She huffs, looks at what I am offering, shakes her little head, and says, […]


August 6, 2015

Why I Refuse to Teach My Children They Were ‘Wanted’

We’d made it to the lake.   The weather was perfect. We had cold watermelon, the kids were playing together well, my daughter had successfully used the potty. I was there with some of my best friends and their kids and it was a Friday. Life was very good. We sat there in the glorious […]


August 1, 2015

Just Let It Be Hard: the competition of motherhood

Some very kind people have complimented my mothering by telling me I’m a natural. You know, a natural mother.   That, it seemed to them, like all things mother came to me in some sort of effortless, magical way. I’ll be the first to tell you that that is not how it happened. Most of […]


July 29, 2015

The Natural Mother Myth