
A few days ago I overheard myself consoling another mom, telling her what was true, despite her warped perception.   I say I overheard it because as the words were coming out of my mouth I realized that what I was saying I happily applied to all moms, except myself. “No, that doesn’t mean you’re […]


July 26, 2015

Just Being Their Mom is Enough

My husband and I are coming up on our 5th wedding anniversary this summer.   In that time we’ve had 3 kids, traveled to Europe, survived me quitting my job, lived through a thousand fights, laughed a million times together, and, most importantly, started to learn what marriage actually is. As a bride, I knew […]


July 22, 2015

6 Lies About Marriage I Believed When I was Single

Let’s just get it out there: there are few things as important as sex in a healthy marriage. No matter the age, stage in life, or situation, sex life makes or breaks a marriage.   If things aren’t right in the bedroom, things just aren’t right. This is a fact. In those first days of […]

marriage, Motherhood

July 19, 2015

How Having Kids Did Not Kill Our Sex Life

I never knew how miserable a meal could be before I had kids. Everyone is complaining about the food, the baby is literally throwing stuff, the toddlers are sparing with forks and there is just so much screaming.   Add in the regular Sunday night blues, stress from my husband’s upcoming business trip, and some […]


July 15, 2015

The Blessing of Family Affirmation