How to Bind a Felt Book (2 Ways)

  1. Emmillie says:

    I know this is probably a question you get often. What size are the eyelets that you use

  2. Emily says:

    Thank you so much for your tutorial. It helped me decide how to cover my little felt books.
    Thank you! =]

  3. Siska says:

    Thanks for your sharing details, it’s help me a lot 😘🙏

  4. Diana says:

    What size of eyelets did you use?

  5. Emily stamm says:

    Love your book and ideas

  6. zeb says:

    amazing… to make felt paged hard ?
    i tried but the pages are so soft and shaky .

    • Anne Sanders says:

      Forgot what it’s called but you can get stiffening material from the haberdashery shops. You just lay it the correct side down onto your felt and iron it. It melts the glue and stiffens it perfectly. Trouble is I’m having problem making the holes. Too thick I think 🙁

  7. Walia says:

    I used the softer felt. To make my pages…they are flimsy even when i put them together. Any idea how I can make them more sturdy when I out them back to back?

    • Ciara says:

      Maybe a piece of cardboard between them?

      • Sandra Stephenson says:

        I’m going to try plastic canvas (the kind you sew on) inside each page. I will trim the corners so there are no sharp edges. I may have to glue the 4 corners to the felt. I will cut it squares a little bit smaller than the felt. I hope it works!

  8. LA Dory says:

    Gosh. I was hoping to find a way to punch the holes and add grommets (eyelets). What kind of punch did you use? I bought a leather punch but have not tried it yet. How to you add the grommets/eyelets? My book is a quilted one with cartoons for a child. I have on order 5-inch binder rings as my book is quite large.

  9. Heather Woods says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. I am trying to make a Italian and English book for a one year old and didn’t know how to go by doing it.

  10. Nora says:

    Where did you get the metal book rings?

  11. Linda Morrow says:

    Thank you so much for this post. I plan to make a busy book and was having trouble starting as I couldn’t decide
    how I was going to finish it off. I can now imagine how it will look when finished. I can’t wait to start now! It was also helpful too know that I could back each page with a plain color or with another finished page. Anyway thank you for inspiring me today.

  12. hala says:

    Thank you my dear pleaze can tell me what is the meterial that i need to do this quite book pleaze….

  13. Jeanet Pescasio says:

    Thank you for sharing …. 🙂

  14. RobyGiup says:

    Great tips, I think I prefer the first way, but also the second can be a good choice.
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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