
I have shared a few bride and groom cross stitch projects, but I have saved the best for last–me and my husband!   And, no offense to my sisters, but I think mine turned out the best!  I am so excited to share it with you! Especially since it’s August and in just a few […]

Adult Projects, embroidery, Family

August 25, 2014

Bride and Groom Cross Stitch #3

Lately, I have noticed a lot of fancy DSLR cameras out there. Go to the zoo, fair, park, anywhere and it seems that nearly everyone has invested in a nice camera.   Or, every parent that is.   It seems like parents are just obsessed with taking pictures of their kids! Okay, I admit it.   […]

Adult Projects, Family

August 20, 2014

As a Mom Photographer: 5 Tips for Better Photos

Just after you have a baby people ask all sorts of interesting questions.   Questions about pooping and labor and the details of breastfeeding.   By and large, however, one of the most common questions I field is, “So, are you guys going to have more kids?” I laugh when asked this question. (well, in […]

Catholic, Motherhood

August 19, 2014

Choosing to be Open to Life: On Having more Kids

Lately, I’ve been in a bit of a cross-stitch mood, have you noticed? And here I go again with St. Kateri Tekawitha Counted Cross Stitch Pattern. I love all types of embroidery, but I have a special place in my heart for cross stitch.   It is the first type of embroidery I ever did […]

Catholic, embroidery

August 15, 2014

St. Kateri Tekakwitha Counted Cross Stitch Pattern