There is something so sweet about the stillness and silence of the Adoration chapel. When I first committed to a Holy Hour, back in my 20’s, I hated when someone else would walk in. Not good, I know, but I loved being there all alone with Our Lord. I loved having Him all to myself, […]

adoration, Catholic, Faith, Family, Prayer

February 5, 2020

Learning to Adore with St. Therese


Hey there- Maybe you’ve noticed that I’ve gotten a little heavy-handed with the “BRING YOUR FAMILY TO ADORATION” message I’ve been preaching lately. Maybe you’re on board, or maybe you’re thinking “yeah right” every time an email or Instagram Post from me pops up. If that’s the case, I just want you to know that […]

adoration, books, Catholic, Faith, Family, Motherhood, Prayer

January 30, 2020

My Adoration Story

catholic eucharist adoration

Hey there! So, I’m not the type of person that picks a word or starts some crazy diet at the start of the year. I’ve also learned the hard way that setting too many goals during this phase of life (babies and littles) is just not very realistic. Most of my day I have zero […]

adoration, Catholic, Faith, Family, Motherhood, Prayer

January 28, 2020

Bring families to Eucharistic Adoration

eucharistic adoration

Happy New Year, Friends! Today, we’re tackling a fascinating topic and one that could possibly help you achieve some New Year’s Goals: Praying for Your Temperament. This episode started as a conversation pre-recording a few months ago… sharing how novenas appeal to some people but for others, they are impossible to stick with.  “I wonder […]

Catholic, Faith, Mass, Podcast, Prayer, Rosary, teaching the faith

January 5, 2020

J1ST 101: Praying for your Temperament

praying for your temperament