So, I started out this year with a couple of missions: 1. Help families pray the Rosary. 2. Help families fall in love with Eucharistic Adoration. 3. Help families pray through Scripture. If you have been following along, you might have noticed that I have been picking away at these missions, although I still have […]

Faith, Family, Motherhood, Prayer

November 4, 2019

School of the Word: Lectio Divina for the Family

st paul school of the word study

Welcome back! Today, we start a two-part series on relics… What are they? Are there different kinds? Why do Catholics hang on to pieces of dead people? Also, it might surprise you to find out that the practice of keeping relics is not something that started with the early martyrs, or even with Christ.  No! […]

Catholic, Faith, Podcast, Saints, teaching the faith

November 3, 2019

J1ST 094: Relics

catholic womens podcast relics

Welcome back to another week of the Just One Small Thing Podcast!! Continuing on our ‘Fall Triduum’ theme, we’re discussing All Souls’ Day today.  Although the last day of this great Triduum of our Faith, it seems to be the ‘middle child’ in some ways… It’s not an eve, not a Holy Day of Obligation. […]

Catholic, Community, Faith, Family, miscarriage, Podcast, Prayer, Saints, teaching the faith

October 27, 2019

J1ST 093: All Souls’ Day

Hi There! We’re getting seasonal today and tackling Halloween… If you’re like us, you probably remember the annual struggle to narrow down your costume ideas to a single CHOICE and then the excitement of running door to door to get candy (FOR FREE) from strangers. Halloween was quite different as we went on to college […]

Catholic, Community, Faith, Mass, Podcast, Prayer, Saints, teaching the faith, Uncategorized

October 20, 2019

J1ST 092: Is Halloween Evil?