
Hey there friends! Well, we’ve made it. Today I am sharing with you the final installment on the virtues of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Today, I’m talking about the Fifth Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion.  The virtue assigned to this mystery is Love. I have to be honest, I felt totally intimated recording this […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Podcast, Rosary

October 3, 2018

J1ST 065: Love

Hey friends! Welcome back to the Just One Small Thing Podcast and our series on the Virtues of the Rosary. I hope you have been enjoying this series and that it has given you plenty to think about and contemplate as you pray your daily Rosary. Today we are moving onto the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery, […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Podcast, Rosary

September 26, 2018

J1ST 064: Perseverance

Today we are continuing on with the Virtues of the Rosary series on the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Today I am tackling the virtue of Humility which is assigned to the Third Sorrowful Mystery, the Crowning of Thorns. Moreover, just a quick reminder, I did not dream up the idea of assigning virtue to […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, MAry, Podcast, Rosary

September 19, 2018

J1ST 063: Humility

Welcome back! We are continuing on with our series on the Virtues of the Rosary today. If you scroll back through previous episodes, you will see that I have already talked about the virtues for the Joyful and Luminous mysteries. So today we are moving onto the Second Sorrowful Mystery, The Scourging at the Pillar. […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, MAry, Podcast, Priests, Rosary

September 12, 2018

J1ST 062: Mortification