
This morning I found myself choked suddenly with tears when “Away in a Manger” began to play on my Pandora Christmas channel. There were many tangled reasons behind those tears.  As I bent over a sink full of dishes and wept this morning, that simple, child-like song seemed to be the connecting point for so […]

Catholic, Christmas, Faith, Motherhood

December 10, 2017

When it is a season of sadness and grief

A few days ago I wasn’t sure I would be publishing another post…or recording another podcast episode.  As you maybe already know, we lost our little Maximilian on Thanksgiving day. Whom I had carried in my womb for 20 weeks.  Losing a baby at 20 weeks is hard both physically and emotionally. And the week […]

Family, Motherhood, Podcast

December 6, 2017

J1ST 022: On Still Being Here

It has been a strange thing, announcing this 5th pregnancy. Of course, I’ve dealt with the shock of many, amazed that we would dare have a 5th.  But I expected this and dealt with my fair share of it when I announced number 4. Nope, the worst of it all I created for myself.  In […]

Catholic, Faith, Motherhood

November 17, 2017

Because being open to life means…being open to life

LISTEN ON ITUNES LISTEN ON ANDROID Hey there! Today’s episode is short and sweet and gets at one of my serious struggle as a mom. It often feels like I am on an endless (and fruitless) quest to make my life at home raising kids just a little bit better.  Maybe if we stayed home […]

Catholic, Family, Motherhood, Podcast

November 14, 2017

J1ST 021: Struggle, Hardship, and Peace