
  Hey there friends! Episode 18 of the Just One Small Thing Podcast is a great one, thanks entirely to my (very patient, because we went through quite the list of issues recording this!) friend Christina.  Christina joins me on the podcast to talk about waiting.  We discuss how there are 2 ways to wait: […]

Catholic, marriage, Podcast

October 3, 2017

J1ST 018: Christina on Waiting

About two weeks ago over 300 ladies graduated from The Catholic Wife Academy when the 4-week course ended. It is not an exaggeration to say that this pilot class changed my life and my marriage. It is a powerful thing to be surrounded by women. Most of whom I have never met, that are living […]

Catholic Wife Academy, marriage

October 1, 2017

Sex is at the Heart of Everything

Well, friends, I didn’t want to talk on this topic, but St. Mother Teresa made me. Episode 17 is all about Obedience. Obedience in marriage, family, and our relationship with God. Now, obedience is not one of my favorite topics, likely because I still like to think of myself as the rebellious teenager I once […]

Catholic, Family, Podcast

September 26, 2017

J1ST 017: The Call to Obedience

Each day we do a million things – even the small things. We do a million little, often futile, frustrating, dirty, tedious, and thankless things. We set out food, clean dishes, sweep floors, change diapers, pull weeds, pick up, drop off, walk dogs, comfort toddlers, brake-up fights, fold laundry, wipe counters, nurse babies, pump, pick […]

Catholic, Motherhood

September 20, 2017

The Small Things in Life