
So, I recorded another podcast, all by my lonesome.   The topic this week is that “Love is a Choice”. And I spend much of the episode detailing a few of my many failings as a wife. Including my most recent failure to be charitable to my husband while he suffered through a terrible stomach […]

Adult Projects, marriage, Podcast

May 23, 2017

Catholic Wives and The Choice To Love

Sometimes I do crazy things…like record a podcast episode in my basement late at night about things like starting a movement…and release it out into the world before I probably should. But I kinda like being crazy. Have a listen SUBSCRIBE on iTunes SUBSCRIBE on ANDROID And so, after listening I have just one question […]


May 18, 2017

J1ST 003: Starting a Movement

So, this weekend my niece asked me, “Aunt Nancy, how many projects do you have going on right now?” and without missing a beat my sister and husband chimed in, in unison, “TOO MANY!” IT’S TRUE!  IT’S TRUE!  BUT I JUST CAN’T HELP IT! Since I narrowed my focus in the past years to serving […]

Catholic, Motherhood, Podcast

May 10, 2017

Just One Small Thing Podcast (LIVE NOW)

Today I want to write to all those dreamers out there.   Those at-home-parents with a spark of an idea.   Those wanna-be entrepreneurs, on the very threshold of something big, with their foot, extended, just about to take that first step…when guilt sets in. Guilt over adding something to your already overwhelming life.   […]

Adult Projects, entrepreneur

April 9, 2017

Necessary Selfishness of Starting a Business