The second theme of Catholic Social Teaching laid out by the USCCB is the call to family and community. Although the topics we have been talking about recently might sound quite different from Civic Duty and Political Activism, they are related. Humans are social beings and we need each other. We are training in the […]


May 29, 2023

J1ST 122: Civic Duty & Political Activisim

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Today’s discussion will equip you to discuss marriage and same-sex marriage with your children. Too often we think that Homosexuality and (Same-Sex) Marriage are the same topic, but they are not. Here are some important points to keep in mind as you discuss (Same-Sex) Marriage: Marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and a […]


May 24, 2023

J1ST 121: CST Same Sex Marriage

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Today we are discussing an important and emotional topic: Homosexuality. With family and friends living homosexual lifestyles, this will likely be one of the first topics we have to cover with our children (unfortunately) and we need to be ready! A few important things to note on the topics of homosexuality: We need to differentiate […]


May 22, 2023

J1ST 120: CST Homosexuality

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Today we are continuing our discussion of our call to marriage and family, as laid out by the USCCB and discussed in our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH.  Divorce is likely the very first topic from this book that you will need to address with your children. That’s how it worked for us! […]


May 17, 2023

J1ST 119: CST Divorce

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