
Even though we had an absolutely gorgeous weekend in these parts, fall is here and Advent is just around the corner.   In an effort to make this Advent season is as holy as possible, I’ve been busy working on a beautiful Advent study with a few of my dear friends (check that out HERE) […]

Faith, kids crafts

October 19, 2015

Jesse Tree Ornaments to Print and Color

I only recently learned how to read scripture. It’s embarrassing to admit that, but it’s true.   Sure, I’ve been reading scripture my whole life, but I was never really reading.   It has only been in recent years, with the help of my little sister Susan, that I was introduced to the practice of […]


October 6, 2015

On Learning to Read Scripture (FINALLY!)

I am a brooder. Yesterday morning in the mad rush to get Gus out the door for preschool my husband dug through Gus’ Lightning McQueen backpack. Which had been abandoned in the corner since he got home on Friday.   Oh, it was library day!   And oh, he had to collect leaves to bring […]


September 29, 2015

Love Does Not Brood

Yesterday morning, in the madness of getting out the door for mass, I watched something so simple and beautiful it couldn’t be anything but love. I watched my husband teach Gus to button his shirt.   First, he demonstrated, moving slowly and explaining what he was doing.   Then he put the task into terms Gus […]


September 20, 2015

Love is Patient: Mothering Little Ones