Today’s episode of the Just One Small Thing Podcast explores pornography. Pornography is a big deal (despite what society might claim) and it violates the dignity of three different groups of human beings: The actors/models used as objects for the lustful desires of others. The consumer who is settling for a counterfeit of love, when […]


May 3, 2023

J1ST 114: CST Pornography

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In this episode of the Just One Small Thing Podcast we are exploring slavery and human trafficking and why treating a person as an object and denying the freedom to direct their own life is a sin against the dignity of that human person. A few important points made in this episode: Slavery still exists […]


May 1, 2023

J1ST 113: CST Slavery and Human Trafficking

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Let’s continue our exploration of Catholic Social Teaching as we await the launch of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH, which will be available sometime in May. Stay tuned! Today’s episode explores the BIG topic of Medical Ethics. Basically, how do catholics decide if a specific medical procedure or treatment is ethical? To […]


April 28, 2023

J1ST 112: CST Medical Ethics

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Suicide is, unfortunately, something that has touched each of our lives. Whether it was a family member, friend, classmate or just someone in our community, we have all felt the deep sadness when someone chooses to take their own lives. Speaking about suicide in the context of Catholic Social Teaching is a bit different than […]


April 26, 2023

J1ST 111: CST Suicide

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