I have a real treat for you today!   My friend Shannon Wendt from Chewslife.com is on the podcast today talking about doing the BIG SCARY things, even when you are busy and a mom and homeschooling and uncertain.   Just being brave and doing them. Shannon is such an inspiration because she has really […]

Catholic, entrepreneur, Podcast

July 19, 2017

J1ST 011: Shannon on Doing Big Things

Today I want to write to all those dreamers out there.   Those at-home-parents with a spark of an idea.   Those wanna-be entrepreneurs, on the very threshold of something big, with their foot, extended, just about to take that first step…when guilt sets in. Guilt over adding something to your already overwhelming life.   […]

Adult Projects, entrepreneur

April 9, 2017

Necessary Selfishness of Starting a Business

Hey friend. Today I’m going to take a minute to talk about something I’m quite passionate about daring to be an entrepreneur as an at-home parent.   Perhaps taking on the risk of starting and growing a business while home with the kids feels a bit like a “modern” idea, but it really isn’t.  It’s […]

Adult Projects, entrepreneur

April 2, 2017

What Ma Ingalls Taught Me About Businesses