Advent can be a fun, beautiful, and meaningful time for Catholic Families. It can be very hard to wait to celebrate Christmas, especially when the rest of the world is already doing just that, but with these simple ideas that ANY Catholic Family can do, your kids will fall in love with Advent and remember […]

Advent, Catholic, Catholic Sprouts for Moms, Christmas, Faith, Family, kids crafts

December 3, 2018

Advent Ideas for Catholic Families

The Jesse Tree is a beautiful Advent Devotional that many Catholic Families use during the season of Advent. But, what is the Jesse Tree… And is there a way to use this devotional that is EASY and MEANINGFUL for Catholic families? I strive to answer both of these questions in this video. First of all, […]

Advent, Catholic, Catholic Sprouts for Moms, Faith, Family, kids crafts

December 2, 2018

The Jesse Tree: Explanation for Catholic Families

So, here’s what happened. It was Halloween. I had just picked the kids up from school. And I realized that we had ZERO candy to hand out to trick or treaters, so I made a quick stop at Walmart. I walk in there with all 4 kids and we are amazed to see a huge […]

Advent, Catholic, faith projects, Family, kids crafts, Motherhood

November 8, 2018

Advent Coloring Pages

Hello there, friends! I hope your Lent has been wonderfully restful and fruitful. Mine, thus far, has fallen a little bit short of expectations, but that, of course, is 100% my doing. It is hard for me to embrace quiet, even though I REALLY need to! In these next weeks, and especially during Holy Week, […]

Catholic, Easter, Faith, faith projects, Family, kids crafts, Lent, Paper Crafts

March 11, 2018

Finger Puppets for Lent (FREE & PRINTABLE!)