Anyone just SICK of hearing about how this Spring, the Spring of 2020, was unprecedented? I am. At first “unprecedented” seemed exciting…and then after the long slog of months with no Mass, Distance Learning, parks closed, and endless Zoom calls… We all realized that “unprecedented” just means miserable. And parts of these months in quarantine […]

Catholic, Eucharist, Family, Motherhood, parenting

June 11, 2020

Your Thoughts about Quarantine, Faith, and Family

catholic believe

Hey there- Maybe you’ve noticed that I’ve gotten a little heavy-handed with the “BRING YOUR FAMILY TO ADORATION” message I’ve been preaching lately. Maybe you’re on board, or maybe you’re thinking “yeah right” every time an email or Instagram Post from me pops up. If that’s the case, I just want you to know that […]

adoration, books, Catholic, Faith, Family, Motherhood, Prayer

January 30, 2020

My Adoration Story

catholic eucharist adoration

Hey there! So, I’m not the type of person that picks a word or starts some crazy diet at the start of the year. I’ve also learned the hard way that setting too many goals during this phase of life (babies and littles) is just not very realistic. Most of my day I have zero […]

adoration, Catholic, Faith, Family, Motherhood, Prayer

January 28, 2020

Bring families to Eucharistic Adoration

eucharistic adoration

Hey Friends! Happy Fourth Week of Advent! Today we are wrapping up our book study on Interior Freedom, and sticking with the theme of “we can only control what is within ourselves”. Nancy is without a voice this week so it’s just me, Katie. This episode focuses on the last third of the book (that […]

Advent, books, Catholic, Christmas, Community, Faith, Motherhood, Podcast, Prayer

December 22, 2019

J1ST 100: Advent Book Study on Interior Freedom Pt 2

advent study interior freedom