LISTEN ON ITUNES LISTEN ON ANDRIOD Well hey there! Today’s episode is a fun one and features the wonderful Genie from Barefoot Abbey.  And Genie is here to inspire us all to bring more music into our lives, our families, and our faith lives. Now, I love music, but if I’m being honest, my music […]

Catholic, Family, Motherhood, Podcast

October 10, 2017

J1ST 018: Genie on Music

Each day we do a million things – even the small things. We do a million little, often futile, frustrating, dirty, tedious, and thankless things. We set out food, clean dishes, sweep floors, change diapers, pull weeds, pick up, drop off, walk dogs, comfort toddlers, brake-up fights, fold laundry, wipe counters, nurse babies, pump, pick […]

Catholic, Motherhood

September 20, 2017

The Small Things in Life

I’m back!   I know that you set your lives by the release of my podcast episodes (Ha! So very kidding) and have been wondering why I have been so slow to release another episode.   Well, to know the answer to that question…you will have to listen to the first few minutes of this […]

Catholic, Family, marriage, Motherhood, Podcast

September 14, 2017

J1ST 016: Dealing with Overwhelm

  I have another podcast episode for you today, hot off the presses!   And this one is super practical. It is A Catholic Mom’s Guide To Mass if I can call my humble collection of thoughts and tips something as bold as that. Perhaps I should have called it, one mom’s thoughts on mass, […]

Baby, Catholic, Motherhood, Podcast

August 25, 2017

J1ST 015: A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Mass