
Let’s just get it out there: there are few things as important as sex in a healthy marriage. No matter the age, stage in life, or situation, sex life makes or breaks a marriage.   If things aren’t right in the bedroom, things just aren’t right. This is a fact. In those first days of […]

marriage, Motherhood

July 19, 2015

How Having Kids Did Not Kill Our Sex Life

I never knew how miserable a meal could be before I had kids. Everyone is complaining about the food, the baby is literally throwing stuff, the toddlers are sparing with forks and there is just so much screaming.   Add in the regular Sunday night blues, stress from my husband’s upcoming business trip, and some […]


July 15, 2015

The Blessing of Family Affirmation

Confession time.   I have been known to be on my phone too much. And I hate that I do this–I hate that I get sucked into my phone.   I hate that it is a constant temptation.   Hate that I love my iPhone so much…but I really do love it. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, […]


July 12, 2015

3 Mistakes I Made That Led to My Phone Addiction

We just got back from a beautiful week in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We head up there every year and stand in awe of that big lake.   It’s a great time with family that we all look forward to each year.   In fact, I’ve been going up there every summer since I […]


July 6, 2015

Life with Kids: When Vacation Isn’t Really A Vacation