Hi, friends! This week we’re diving into Natural Family Planning or NFP.  What is NFP, you may be wondering?  NFP is any method of observing your monthly fertility signs. And using them to plan when to “renew your vows” with your husband. Fertility Awareness is not just for deciding when to try for a baby […]

Catholic, Family, marriage, Motherhood, NFP, Podcast

September 22, 2019

J1ST 088: NFP/Natural Family Planning

Hello Listeners! With yesterday being the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, in today’s episode, we’re taking a closer look at the Seven Sorrows of Mary. Along with the concept of being open to life, even if it leaves your arms empty. (Or emptier than you want them to be) We’re talking specifically about infertility. […]

Catholic, Catholic Virtues, Community, Faith, Family, marriage, MAry, miscarriage, NFP, Podcast, Prayer, Rosary

September 15, 2019

J1ST 87: The Seven Sorrows of Mary and Infertility

Hey friends! Welcome back to another episode of the Just One Small Thing Podcast. I hope you have been enjoying all of the wonderful ladies that I have had on lately. It has been so much fun chatting with them all and tapping into their unique wisdom! I have another great lady to share with […]

Catholic, marriage, money, NFP, Podcast

October 31, 2018

J1ST 069: The Holiness of Budgeting with Mary Harrell

Hey there! Well, today we are making Just One Small Thing Podcast history! My guest today, Laura Kelly Fanucci, is becoming the very first person to be on the podcast TWICE! Not sure if it’s an honor or simply proof that she is a good friend and she allows me to twist her arm! If […]

books, Catholic, Family, miscarriage, Motherhood, NFP, Podcast

October 24, 2018

J1ST 068: Grieving Together with Laura Kelly Fanucci