
An episode of the Just One Small Thing Podcast is up and ready for you!   And this one is about one of the HOTTEST topics in the Catholic Married world: FERTILITY–a topic that in this podcast includes NFP, the over-blessing of children, miscarriage, infertility, and loss. The reason I decided to tackle this topic […]

Catholic, marriage, Podcast

June 23, 2017

J1ST 008: Saying YES During the Fertility Years

Well, I’m back today with another episode of the Just One Small Thing podcast, and it’s a good one. And it is SO Catholic.   So, get ready for a powerful, fun, inspiring listen. The quality of this episode is thanks 100% to the amazing guest joining me: Katie, my friend in real life.   […]

Catholic, marriage, Podcast

June 12, 2017

J1ST 007: Eucharist – The Transforming Nature

Hey there, friend! A new episode of the Just One Small Thing podcast is hot off the presses!   And guess what, I have a wonderful guest to share with you today, my digital friend Emily.   And the Just One Small Thing of this episode is all about the mental health and well-being of […]


June 6, 2017

J1ST 006: Mental Health for Mothers

A new podcast is locked and loaded for you. This one tackles yet another one of my (our) struggles: the desire to control and the need to surrender. This podcast is, once again, just me.   I do have some lovely women lined up to be on the podcast, but I just felt like I […]

marriage, Motherhood, Podcast

May 30, 2017

J1ST 005: Control and Surrender