Catholic Wives and The Choice To Love

  1. Estelle says:

    I want to thank you so much for this episode. This is something that had come to.mind about love and marriage, but now I’ve heard your podcast set, wow, I just can stop thinking about how it is absolutely a choice. It’s definitely made me reexamine interactions with my husband and my feelings towards him. That I need to continue to see my love and marriage as a choice that I continue to choose. Honestly, I cannot thank you enough! I love your podcast so much and I get so much from each episode xx

  2. Emily Kelly says:

    ***Christian*** not Chrisian!!

  3. Emily Kelly says:

    Hi Nancy,
    I’m enjoying being on this journey with you, knowing that I will be getting Catholic content. I can just enjoy listening to you and not think ‘is that what the Curch teaches?’. I thought I’d put in a plug for my husband’s uncle’s book ‘Embracing Chrisian Sex in a Pagan World’ by Fr. Joseph Sirba. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it before, but it is good and to the point. My hubby’s other uncle is a bishop, so the book comes with those recomendations as well!!!

  4. Maricella Gutierrez says:

    Nancy, thank you so much for your amazing podcast! You insights are so relevant to me as a Catholic wife and mom. I listen when I’m doing chores and I find myself repeatedly stopping to laugh, think and nod my head emphatically as you relate your experiences, which just about echo mine to a T. It’s almost as enjoyable as coffee with my bestie 🙂 Most of all, you’ve begun to open my eyes to the fact that we all have something to learn AND to teach.
    Your sister in the struggle,

    • Oh my–this might be my favorite comment EVER! I’m tearing up! We do all really have something to share, and if you ever want to share yours on the podcast, just let me know!!

  5. Kimberly says:

    Thank you! I have been receiving your emails for some time now, but this is the first time I sat down and listened to your blog. Wow! I needed this exact topic for than anything right now! After 16 years of marriage, 3 of which have now been sacramental since my husband joined the church (and 4 beautiful daughters later), we are struggling on so many levels and are facing some incredibly difficult choices, a possible separation being the biggest. I have been living with one foot out the door, ready to say I can’t anymore, I can’t keep hurting, I can’t keep fighting, I can’t keep doubting, I can’t keep loving. But tonight, I genuinely feel I can say I can, I can choose to love again. I have hope and faith again. I truly believe that God answered my prayers through your blog. I choose my husband and my marriage and my family and my Father in Heaven. Thank you and God bless you!

    • Oh my. God is so very good in that he sees fit to use his smallest servants. I will be happy to pray for you and your husband. Marriage is so hard, and so good, and so hard again. Blessings, sister!

    • Tangela says:

      I was in a similar situation many years ago and my priest asked me to give my husband the first chance when my heart was ready to be loved again. Thankfully my husband was willing to wait and fight for me. Prayers to you and your marriage, hang in there.

  6. Liz says:

    Hi Nancy,

    I just listened to your podcast and I really loved the idea of creating communities of women in a similar stage of marriage. I’m in. Also, my husband is a faithful Catholic psychologist. If you ever want a psychological perspective that is well informed and Catholic to incorporate somehow feel free to shoot me an email. (I’ll put you in touch with him. I know many fancy psychology words but not really how to apply them. 🙂 )

    Thanks for your work on this blog!
    God bless,

    • Whoa, a Catholic Psychologist? I didn’t know any of those existed! I will totally be in touch.
      And yes, I crave that too! A group of ladies all at the same stage in marriage as me, that are all Catholic and striving to live marriage as a sacrament. Blessings!

  7. Karen D says:

    Oh gosh, thank you! This could not have come at a better time! Today I was having one of those days, you know the kids are sick, whiny, clingy and I’m all hormonal being in the middle of pregnancy so I’m not handling it well and by time my hubby got home, I was done. I just wanted to veg, have some quiet minutes to hopefully regroup so I could try again, but nope, didn’t happen. Hubby had his own plane for what needed to happen once he was home. Long story short, even though I did try half heartedly to ask him for a break, when he didn’t immediately drop what he was doing, I got even more sulky. The evening ended with me being excessively polite, but distant and I know he had no clue as to why since he has never aquired that magical skill of mind reading. So I lay awake, having my pity party, open my email and there you are, reminding me of my choice. I am married to a fantastic man! Did I mention he brought dinner home with him? I know when he is wrapped up in a project he doesn’t get easily distracted and I love how much he is able to accomplish. I know it’s that evil one spreading his lies and yet, I listened. Tomorrow I get to try again, praise God, but it probably would have been at least a sulky morning if I hadn’t had you to listen to tonight, so thank you again! I think I’m done rambling now… good night and God bless!

    • Oh goodness, God can really make beautiful things happen, can’t he. and I can’t tell you just how many times I have been “excessively polite” while passively aggressively hating my husband (who is always wonderful). Blessings on your pregnancy! It’s a tough road, but the only one worth walking.

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