Embroidered United States of America

  1. Warner Brown says:

    Nice plow and lovely work embroidery design
    Thanks for the sharing

  2. Warner Brown says:

    This is the nice work for embroidery
    Thanks for the sharing information.

  3. Warner Brown says:

    This is the nice work

  4. Pelar says:

    This is absolutely beautiful are they available to purchase ?

  5. Lynn Amato says:

    Would you be willing to re create your USA emboridery pillow for sale?

  6. Becky PS says:

    Love it Love it Love it!!!

  7. […] your patriotism with simple stitching to create an embroidered USA pillow like Nancy at Do Small Things With […]

  8. Linda Bee says:

    What size is the map you chose?

  9. Rebecca says:

    This is fantastic! I tried to embroider a US map but it was a disaster. I was just doing a back stitch outline but I didn’t use a sturdy enough fabric or any interfacing so it was puckering up where I stitched. And I had the hardest time with the smaller east coast states, I just gave up. It looks amazing with the satin stitch!

  10. sezy says:

    OMG…put Alaska in the right place please!!

  11. I’m the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your project! You can see it here:


    If you have other kid-friendly crafts, we’d love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful project idea!

  12. Sonja says:

    This is such a fun idea and I love how beautiful your pillow turned out. Makes me want to try it myself 🙂

  13. This is so nice. You did a really great job!! I’m hosting a pillow cover giveaway that you should enter. http://homecomingmn.blogspot.com/2013/11/michelle-dwight-designs-pillow-cover.html

  14. Havalah says:

    i love this! i really want to try this now

  15. Priya says:

    I love it! So colorful and lovely.

  16. Kadie says:

    I LOVE this Nancy!! What a creative idea! I would love to make one with all the states my kids were born in filled in. 🙂

  17. Susan says:

    Lo-oove this embroidery project. I’m thinking I want to do one of just my home state. Or one of the US with only the states we’ve lived in filled in. Hmmm, you’ve got the wheels turning.

    • Do it, Susan! In fact, I made this for my sister, who is married to a guy in the military. They have lived all over the US, so I thought it was perfect for them! If you made something, i’d love to see it!

  18. Marcee ... ILLINOIS says:

    Aww. So nice. You’ve inspired me! Not sure if I would be talented enough to do this project though.

    Love looking at it. : )) Colors make me smile.

  19. Dianna L. says:

    This is amazing, Nancy!

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