Hand Stitched Love Birds

  1. EmmaWebbla says:

    thanks for sharing a nice blog. Happiness is a small house, with a big kitchen and garden, you can get more info about birds. you can visit Love Birds

  2. […] these sweet little love birds over at Small Things! For featured friends, feel free to grab my button from the sidebar for your own […]

  3. Christine says:

    They are such gorgeous love birds!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream To Reality! I’m looking forward to seeing what you share tonight!

  4. JQ @ Its Always Ruetten says:

    Hi! I found your post from Flamingo Toes! I love your birds. I actually just finished a “Lovebirds Wreath” and made very similar birds of my own! My mom lives in Minneapolis so I’ve been getting the “warm up” reports (if you can call 30 degrees warm!). Hope you stay warm! Stop on by if you have a chance! http://itsalwaysruetten.blogspot.com/2013/01/lovebirds-wreath.html


  5. Babies, Buttons and Bows says:

    I saw this post at Sumo’s too! It’s beautiful.
    Will be following you and your wonderful crafts 🙂

    Amy x

  6. Kara says:

    Found this cute idea over at Sumo’s. So sweet, I just love it!

  7. Summer says:

    So sweet! I’ll be featuring these on my blog tomorrow!



  8. Tonna @ USS Crafty says:

    This is so cute! I love the little birdies! I’m pinning this!

    T’onna @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  9. Jessi @ Practically Functional says:

    Oh my gosh, so cute!

  10. Michelle Hargreaves says:

    I’m just starting out learning to sew, but I’d love to try these–my sister loves lovebirds!

  11. Chloe West says:

    So cute! I’d love to learn to sew.


  12. Tiffany Siladke says:

    I have been on a bird kick lately, I just love them! Super cute idea and I love the fabric choices too.

    I found your blog on the craft link up! Can’t wait to read more 🙂


  13. Ladies Holiday says:

    I hear it has been frigid in Minne! Keep warm and keep crafting. Love the live birds. Cheers from the hop.

  14. Rox says:

    These are cute. So sweet how you are still love birds.

    I may want to borrow the idea for some bird ornaments, I’ll link back to you if I post about it, OK? Pinning so I can remember where I saw the post 🙂

    Thanks for sharing. I saw it on Wow Us Wednesday

    Roxana @ Four Eleven Rox

  15. Danielle says:

    How adorable! Love those birdies – and the extra touch the stitching makes! Hopped over from Rainbows & Honeysuckle’s linky party. I’m also a new follower… Happy Wednesday!


  16. Debra says:

    This is adorable! We too have the cold here ( western pa ) and its hard to get used to as it is rarely this cold anymore! I had not worn gloves all winter but had to dig them out yesterday before going to work. Brr…stay warm and cozy inside !

  17. CraftLee says:

    That is so sweet! I too had 2 babies within the first 2 and a half years of marriage, its not easy 1 but my little birdies are in their teens now and I wouldn’t change a single thing ! Delighted to have found your blog & looking forward to reading more Nancy !
    Love from an equally chilly Ireland !

    Siubhan x

  18. Diana - FreeStyleMama says:


  19. DesignedByBH says:

    So cute! I love it! I’m not much of a “sticher” but I’d love to learn! Thanks for sharing it!

  20. The Quiet Mom says:

    This is so pretty . What a neat idea!

    Already your follower hopping by, blogging @ Why?

  21. Melissa @ This Girls Life says:

    Hi! Just stopping by from the Mom’s Monday Mingle blog hop! New follower on your lovely blog, would love to have you stop by my blog sometime and follow back if you like. Very cute piece of art.

    Melissa @ thisgirlslifeblog.com

  22. Michell Pulliam says:

    Hi Nancy! Following you from the Mom’s Monday Mingle link up. Have a great evening!

  23. The Life Of Faith says:

    Aww those are super cute! I’m always looking for DIY valentines stuff! I’m a new follower from the Mom’s Mingle. Hope you will stop by and visit back!


  24. Mindy Hooper says:

    How cute! I may have to make some of my own! I am swinging by from the Blog Hop! I hope to see you around!

    Mindy from http://www.mylifeasmindy.com

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