How to THRIVE When Your Husband Travels

  1. Rachael says:

    My husband travels 100%, only home a few weeks out of the year. I was managing life ok until covid and we lost our home. Now living with a friend, looking for a rental, everything we own in storage, shelter in place still in effect, distance learning, no play dates. I’m not doing so ok these days. His job is so busy it’s hard for him to call everyday. I lean on Jesus but the feeling of depression is starting to lay in. I’m fighting it every way I know how. I know my job is to be strong for him here while he is gone. I just don’t feel very strong. I miss him.

  2. Molly Predis says:

    Can you add a link to the printable agenda you refer to please.

  3. Wendy M says:

    Thank you so much for your blog! My husband just accepted a 50% traveling position that will be amazing in the long run and I fully support him, but going online to see what tips I could find for myself to stay sane was a horrible idea – until I found your blog! Everyone else online seems to list all the negatives and those kinds of comments you mentioned in #3 — which really shook me!
    I know this was posted 4 1/2 years ago – but these tips are a saving grace as we enter 2020! God bless you and your family!

  4. Diana says:

    Thank you! So much of what you wrote is what my husband and I experience when he travels. Reading this makes me feel like I’m not the only one who goes through it and there is so much peace in that. Thank you for your words. Prayers for you and your family

  5. Marie says:

    Loved and needed this. Thank you.

  6. F says:

    Thank you for this Nancy, I really need this right now. My husband has a pretty similar international travel schedule and we have two little ones at home. I need some way to look at the positive in all of it.

  7. Malika says:

    My husband travels a lot for business. He also travels to China as well and I have two small kids as well. It’s a lot of stress for me to do everything on my own. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Mary says:

    Such a wonderful and different look. My husband travels A LOT during summer and in 9 years we only had 1 year where we spent 2 weeks together. Every summer I have a rock in my stomach and on heart. Thank you for this encouraging post.

  9. Natalie MIramontes says:

    My husband is a electrician, he’s always traveled but recently his been gone quit a bit for the last five months. I stay home with our three year old son and manage raising him and runing the house hold . It’s a lot and sometimes I get so overwhelmed . I googled spouses working away and saw this and it made me feel so supported . It’s hard for people to understand my position . Your words about the sympathy part were spot on and that’s what annoys me the most of family and friends . I had actualy told my mom almost the exact same thing that I’m sick of everyone being negative about my position when it be nice if one would offer to help or give me a break to shop, and be supportive instead of putinf thoughts in my head cuz it’s hard enough for me to stay strong and not fall Into self pittu. Your article was so relatable for me and thank you. Just helped me really feel some support and someone who understands for once !

    • I am so glad you found this supportive. the truth is that lots of moms are in our position. The biggest thing that helped me is just to stay positive. There are good points and we are married to good men. As with many other issues, people need to keep their opinions to themselves, especially when we are working so very hard to look on the bright side.
      Hugs, dear. It is hard, but our men are doing what is best for us!

  10. Joshua says:

    Do you have any followup advice from your husband’s perspective of what we the traveling men can do to help? My wife and I are both right out of college and expecting our first in March. My job is very good about giving me time off when I need it, but regularly sends me on 1 or 2 week trips each month. How can us men be of better service? It seems like daily FaceTime/Skype is a good place to start.

    • that is definitely a good place to start. Since you only have young children, encourage your wife to leave home and stay with family while you are gone, if that is possible. Also, just try to be VERY present when you are home–that is the greatest thing you can do.

  11. Angela says:

    Thank you so much for this. My husband will be leaving in a few days to join crew 700 miles away. This will be his first traveling job and it could last up to 2 years. We have a 2 yr old daughter and I have been struggling with the thoughts of him being gone.

  12. Eleonora says:

    This is what I meeded to read today, I’m feeling so lonely here with all this traveling, thanks so much for your words.

    • It is so hard, even with all of these “tips”. Hang in there. I recently moved 1/2 way across the country just so that my husband could work a job with less traveling. It’s just not how it is supposed to be.

  13. Ashley M. says:

    I just found this on Pinterest and oh my, I needed it. My husband travels 50% of the time, and the most crippling thing for me is loneliness! We have three small children and just moved to a new house out in the country. But I do love the simple dinners when he’s gone :).

  14. Thank you! This spoke to me. My husband travels and it can be so hard.

  15. Erin says:

    This is great! I came back to your site to re-read this because I am gearing up for a week of solo parenting. Thank you!

  16. Number 5! ahh! I do that one ALL the time! OR I mean I do the opposite of that one all the time lol I have to remind myself not to complain. I guess I do it in hopes of him deciding not to leave again lol but what I should do is remember the benefits like you said. Great advice!

    • I do that too! I wrote this up a while back and my husband has been on a trip since. It is TOUGH to take even my own advice!
      PS–gee, thanks for the pumpkin cookie recipe. Now I think I have to make them…and eat the all!!!

  17. Mrs. Amen says:

    Thanks for this post! My DH travels 3 weeks out of every 4 and has for the past 2.5 years. And I am home alone with our kids. There were only 2 when he first took this job, but now there are 3. It has taken me a LONG time to figure out how to manage on my own. Like you, I don’t worry about dinner so much and I find that to be a big change the week he is home. So stressful to have to get a decent meal on the table for my DH especially knowing the kids won’t eat it. I also homeschool my oldest child, so we stay busy with schoolwork and extracurriculars. It would be great if people, instead of commisserating or bemoaning how difficult it all is, would watch my kids so I can get a break. I’ve had a few meltdowns and needed relief. I guess my big outlet is baking. I love to try new recipes and I can get the kids involved with helping me bake. At the very worst they are always willing to taste test everything!

    • You get it! I can tell you have lived the wife of a traveling husband because all of this rings so true! Getting supper on the table for the hubby after a week of PB and J at the park is stressful. I’m glad he’s home, but it makes me realize the perks of him being gone! And I love that your outlet is baking. My kids would LOVE IT if that was my outlet!

  18. Vickie says:

    You are living the life that I lived 30 years ago. My husband traveled the first 10 years of our marriage. Even though we didn’t have our first child until we were married 4 years. It was still very hard. I agree with the travel part. When our 2nd child came along the travel part became very difficult as we didn’t know at the time she had acid reflux and motion sickness and so traveling with her facing backwards in her car seat was HORRIBLE. She would scream the entire time the car was moving and no one believed me until they drove with us somewhere. As soon as we arrived to our destination and the car stopped she would fall asleep. This continued till we turned the car seat around at 4 months. Remember this was in 1988 and she was 23 inches long and 11.8 lbs at birth. Then in 1990 our 3rd child came along and then my husband finally quite traveling. Then he dove into building our home so then he still wasn’t around. He worked a 4 tens and spent 3 days a week working on the house. 27 months later we moved into our house. I highly don’t recommend it. I really depended on ECFE and Parents Anonymous to keep my tanked filled. I did reach out to the county also to get a family support worker since we were not in the metro area so we didn’t have metro phone service so I had no other adults to talk to. I will always be grateful to the county support worker that visited me and the children every week to help me with parenting issues since the husband was not available to give me any help. Your doing a great job.

    • wow–that sounds so challenging! One of the wonderful things about our situation (I should have mentioned) is that when my husband is not traveling he is actually around quiet a bit. So, 2 weeks a month I am doing it solo, but the other 2 weeks I am very supported.

      I’m so glad you had a little bit of support during those year, but my, you really went through it!

  19. […] how to thrive when your husband travels – the blog writer has a husband that travels much more than mine but I liked the post […]

  20. These are awesome!! thank you so much – I really want to work on thriving, not just surviving, while my hubby is gone too! And I love your suggestion of connecting through prayer – so important.

  21. Lydianne says:

    I forgot to mention that my husband and I have been married for forty-three great years and I wouldn’t do anything differently.

    • thank you for sharing this, Lydianne! I am a super worrier but it give me so much peace to hear from an experienced mom who has some perspective. I hope my kids look back on these years fondly!

  22. Lydianne says:

    I think this is a wonderful gift you are giving your children. My husband worked in another city and he commuted on weekends when our daughter was young. She got to grow up with her Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles taking an active role in her growing up. She also got to grow up on a farm. Best childhood EVER!!!

  23. LuAnn Braley says:

    Sounds like some good advice there! I wish I had read your post back when this was the case in our family. Our 18th wedding anniversary is coming up, though, so I guess we’re doing ok! :O)

  24. Wonderful post! My husband doesn’t travel much for his job, but I have to admit that sometimes I enjoy his late nights of working for some of these reasons–especially the dinner one!

  25. […] How to THRIVE When Your Husband Travels […]

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