Husband and Wife Meeting–Printable Agenda

  1. Zee says:

    Would love a pdf !

  2. Kelly says:

    Love this and can’t wait to try it out!

  3. Jamea says:

    Would love a pdf

  4. Sarah Ann Lutgring says:

    Would love a copy!

  5. Hailey says:

    Love this!!

  6. Vanessa says:

    I’d love a copy if this PDF please! The link to access library isn’t working.

  7. Katherine says:

    Please email me the pdf. Your links aren’t working.

  8. Cynthia says:

    I’d love a copy!

  9. Natalia Betancur says:

    I would love to get a copy of the husband and wife printable agenda.
    Thank you

  10. Katie says:

    Can I get a pdf? Thanks!

  11. Gabriela says:

    The link doesn’t work can you send me the PDF. Thank you

  12. Joseph Hamilton says:

    Please send pdf of marriage meeting

  13. jai brown says:

    email please!

  14. 10 FREE Marriage Worksheets and Printables - Keepers At Home says:

    […] Husband and Wife Printable Agenda […]

  15. Deanna says:

    Send me pdf please

  16. Jeanneane Askey says:

    I would like to know if I may print this and share it at our Marriage Encounter Love Circle? Thank you for all you do and give.

  17. Mary says:

    The “Access the Library Now!” link doesn’t work. I would love to download the PDF, but doesn’t seem accessible anywhere? Thank you!

  18. Melissa says:

    Can you send me the pdf please? This is such a great idea! My husband and I have been looking at doing something like this but it was more financial related. Love the renewal of vows!

  19. Amy says:

    I’d like the pdf please. Thank you

  20. ncmac says:

    This is a great idea! I wondered if you happened to have heard of a couples spiritual group called “Teams of Our Lady”? We have been in this group now going on more than five years. It is Catholic based and based on your blog it seems exactly what many might be looking for. We meet monthly with 5 other couples and have a deacon as our spiritual director. We gather at each other’s homes and share a simple potluck style meal and have a meeting format (that’s casual) that we follow. Some of our goals include daily personal/couple and family prayer as well as monthly “sit down” meetings with our spouse to stay connected as a couple. for more information if interested!

  21. Meghan says:

    I’d like to be included in the email!

  22. Jeanette says:


    I would like the PDF please!



  23. Maygan Lanigan says:

    Please email a PDF of this – I’d love to incorporate this with my husband!

  24. Kim says:

    I love this idea I am printing it out! I did notice a spelling error. I debated saying something but I thought you would want to know 🙂 The word spouse*
    Thank you again for posting this!!

  25. Leah says:

    I’m so stoked to have found this. I’ve had it on my heart for a while to implement weekly “marriage counsels” but didn’t know where to start! Thanks for the printable. I’m so excited! I think it’s something that will be so good for my marriage!

  26. Leah says:

    I absolutely love this!!! I will use it and pass it on to my sister as well. We have four kids ages 8, 5, 2, and 6 months. Finding the time to do anything is difficult but since I’m a stay at home mom and my hubby works in an office setting, we message each other frequently. Something we had started doing this year to help our communication is to express our feelings. Not necessarily just romantically, but for instance, one morning I messaged him and asked if we could have our “feelings update”….so he proceeded to tell me he felt happy, productive at work, but stressed about something with the kids. We then discussed it and devised a plan to ease the worry and then I shared my feelings. Some days the feelings convo only happens once or twice because they stay the same throughout the day but there have been times I’ve messaged him back an hour later and had to update again due to something new or maybe difficult going on. It has worked wonders for us. This seems like the perfect step to really take it to the next level! Thank you for sharing!!!!

  27. Micaela says:

    Nancy, this is a lovely idea. My husband and I meet weekly to do our budget, but we’ve been looking for a way to add more spirituality and to shift the focus from our money (or lack of it!) to each other. I will be sharing this with my hubby and on my FB page too. Thanks again!

  28. Linda says:

    This is wonderful! The one thing that I would add, at the beginning and at the end, would be prayer. In the beginning, maybe a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking for guidance, wisdom, maybe patience, etc, to help you stay on focus during the meeting. And maybe at the end – maybe each of you after discussing plans and sharing concerns, decide what you need the other to pray for you during the upcoming week. Then end with a short prayer of thanksgiving for God’s love and for the gift of each other and your family.

  29. Tanja says:

    This is beautiful. Unfortunately I can’t access the page… Any other suggestions?

  30. Katie says:

    Nancy – I just LOVE this!! It reminds me of my weekly prayer group agenda. I am so happy to have something similar to work through with my wonderful hubby every week. Thank you SO much!!!

  31. […] husband and wife meeting printable agenda – do you have a regular night a week that you and your husband have a meeting/date to check […]

  32. This Husband and Wife meeting is such a lovely idea. Thanks for posting. Reconnecting (and staying connected) to each other is a challenge especially with kids, jobs etc. I’m going to print your pdf and show it to my husband. I think he will be very receptive to the idea! On the connecting topic, here’s another great idea that we employ.

    We are Jewish so Friday night Shabbat dinner is a very important day to connect. We do a thing called “Leave Behind – Carry Forward” This isn’t a “Jewish” thing, it’s just one way we interpret the idea of letting go of one week and welcoming in the next week. At the dinner table everyone gets to say what they would like to leave behind from the previous week and what they would like to carry forward from it. For instance, this past week my 9 year old daughter Lexi said she’d like to leave behind the argument she had with her friend Sage and she wanted to carry forward the fact that the snow has finally melted and she got to play in the woods with her sister. We love it because as the kids get older finding ways to connect is so important. Many of the topics then spark conversations, for instance, I might ask my daughter what she could have done differently in the argument that may have brought a better outcome. Or we can all brainstorm on the tree house we are going to build in the woods this summer.

    Thanks so much for keeping up with your blog – you do it so much better than I do! I would never guess from all your great your crafts you post that you are even the slightest bit unorganized. You seem to really be on top of things! Keep it up!

    Kim from Connecticut!

    • Kelly says:

      Nancy & Kim, thank you both for sharing your ideas. Nancy I am going to use the printable with my husband on Saturday mornings. We pray for each other each morning but during the week my devoted hubby has work on his mind. Saturday is the only morning that we are unrushed and we can simply sit back and relax. We have 4 adult children and have recently begun an every other week dinner with them so we don’t lose touch. Whoever can make it, meets at the home of that week (rotates). Kim, this is when I’d like to try your idea of ‘take it, leave it’. It’s a quick way to gauge what is impacting them the most. You are both a blessing!

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