Memorialize Your Miscarriage (30+ Ideas!)

  1. Marquetta Odum says:

    Ruh Jarisehtnckns
    241 ws. Ascot ct
    Lees. Summit mo 64082

  2. TheProfessorsWife says:

    I Appreciate this post so much. I lost 2 babies. I had always wanted to plant 4 oak trees, each one representing my husband, me, and our two lost ones, for what was to be our family. The grief of loosing a baby is unbearable, and the heart break of enduring it alone was shattering. This post reminds me of what is most important to me – honoring the life God gave and keeping strong and true to my faith, with a heart filled with love. I will plant 3 flowers for Elijah, Abigail and me until I can do more to honor them.

  3. Sara says:

    Thank you so much for sharing all these wonderful keepsake ideas for keeping our little ones close to our hearts. You featured both my heartbeat canvas and the stacked rings. Just wanted to share with you the link for the rings. Found on Etsy and purchased at Anellas Jewellery Box.

  4. Jennifer David says:

    It’s hard to decide from what Happy Nest Home Goods makes. Loved that embroidery hoop, cute and yet so simple.

  5. Erin says:

    Hello. Thank you so much for this article. I too suffered a miscarriage many years ago. I still think of the child he or she might be today. It stays in your heart forever.

    You asked if anyone makes a ring similar to the little heart above. I make one that can be personalized with an initial or left blank. I make it in sterling silver, rose or yellow gold filled. I’m always honored to be a small part of the journey and have a special place in my heart for making moms keepsakes to remember their little angels. Hope this helps and thanks for the opportunity to share.

  6. Reina Dozier says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of all these precious babies. I am looking for ideas to comfort my daughter who was pregnant with our first grandbaby. She had a miscarriage almost 3 weeks ago. It hurts knowing there is not a band aid big enough to fix her boo boo this time. I appreciate the thought you gave to Natalie about how your life changes the minutes following a positive pregnancy test. It was fathers day when they announced their good news so we have pictures of us wearing the shirts she made us “grandpa to be” and “grandma to be.” I also have pictures of her positive pregnancy test. I want to do a collage of the smiles from that day to remember him. She told me yesterday she knows he was a boy. God bless all of you.

  7. Alicia says:

    A few women I know (myself included) who have experienced miscarriage or infant loss have started an Elizabeth Ministry in our diocese. We help those who are grieving a loss by praying for and with them, listening, giving them materials (e.g. prayer shawls, information on how to bury their baby, etc.), connecting them with a priest, and many other ways. It might be worthwhile to look into this in your own diocese to see if one already exists or if you could start one yourself. For more information you can visit:

  8. Sarah says:

    Our second baby went to heaven in October 2015. She was due June 2016. June was hard although having her little brother in my womb made it a little easier. I expected October 2016 to be hard but I was just filled with the joy of remembering those weeks when she grew within me. June 2017 came around and I wanted to find some quiet way of celebrating her. I ended up coloring a mug that was then baked to set the design. I added “Celebrating Miriam” to the mug. Now each time I use it I celebrate her and ask for her prayers for our family. Finding joy in the midst of suffering was the lesson and the gift of her short time with us.

    • I love the idea of a mug. I have a mug I use every morning (a christmas mug because it is the biggest one we have!!!) and it would be such a simple way to remember that life in a quiet way.

  9. Ann-Marie says:

    A friend gave us a beautiful flowering plant for our backyard. Our sister in law made a stepping stone with our son’s name on it – it is by the plant. We were able to bury our son, but it is nice to have something to remind me of him at home, too.

    • Thank you for sharing this. It sounds like you lost a baby you’d carried for a while. that must have been very painful and it is so beautiful to hear how your are remembering him. Blessings!

  10. Natalie says:

    This really speaks to my heart, we are also suffering loss from a miscarriage and possibly another one after that (but we’re waiting for blood test results). I wonder what your thoughts are on “chemical pregnancies”, where conception occurred, pregnancy test was positive, but the baby died shortly after and you get a normal period. Is that still considered a miscarriage? Do we still get to grieve for them or is that overkill?

    • Of course you get to grieve! A life is a life, no matter how short. I feel like even in those minutes after seeing the positive pregnancy test everything changes, that baby is yours. And to never get to hold it, or even see it on an ultrasound, that is something you need to heal from.

    • Ann-Marie says:

      Grief is your own. You get to grieve. Even if there is nothing other than a pregnancy test to show they ever existed, they still did, and are still a part of your family. If other people don’t understand that, or give you a hard time, try to just let that go. That baby was your baby, regardless of how much time you got to spend with him or her.

  11. Ellen Smith says:

    We have lost five children to miscarriage. We have named them. These losses were early enough losses we did not have funerals or graves. Every November around All Souls Day we have a Mass said for all five babies. I like seeing their names in the bulletin once a year. Since these losses were early, I don’t even have ultrasound photos of the babies. However, I do have a small bundle for each child that I keep in a carved box. Typically, it’s something small that relates to their name (I have a pearl for our daughter Pearl, I have a relic holy card for our child named Gabrielle Allegra after Blessed Gabrielle Allegra). And it might sound morbid, but I found a website online where you can custom design a gravestone. I have done this for all five children, print it off, and keep it in their bundle. Then during November when we visit graveyards to pray for the souls of the departed, I will pull out the pictures of these gravestones to “visit” and pray at. It helps since we do not have a permanent marker for them anywhere. I hope to be buried with this box.

    • wow, these are some incredible ideas–and so helpful for people like me that also don’t have ultrasound pictures or any remains. Also, how wonderful to include them on All Souls day. Perfect and thanks for sharing.

  12. Aw, thanks for sharing our shadow box!!

  13. Betsy Poell says:

    This isn’t helpful for miscarriage, but with my stillbirth one of my last nurses encouraged me to donate milk. I pumped for several weeks and was able to donate about 80 ounces I think. This was a huge benefit to me physically as I recovered from an almost full term loss, as well as proof she lived. If she didn’t live, I wouldn’t have milk. She may well have saved another babies life or at least made it easier for them and their parents. To me, milk donation in any circumstance is a pro-life issue. I know it isn’t for everyone for a variety of reasons, but knowing what we do about human milk, it absolutely says that I value the life of these babies. I’m happy to talk about this with anyone experiencing a loss. I don’t know how late the loss needs to be for milk to be produced but it was so healing for me.

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