Lenten Nail and String Art

  1. […] also considered having them complete a nail, wood, and yarn crucifixion craft. Maybe for next […]

  2. […] Lenten Nail and String Art […]

  3. […] Create a Nail and String cross. This would be a wonderful centerpiece for a backyard passion play. (See next.) […]

  4. […] en Cosmo Cricket, DO SMALL THINGS with love,  Cosmo Cricket, Sweet Netta […]

  5. […] Lenten Nail and String Art […]

  6. C.S. Weaver says:

    Your creativity is only matched by your obvious faith. Great project. I love your finger puppet idea too.

  7. Teresa says:

    This is beautiful! I admire your creativity and passion for crafts. Keep it up! You’re inspiring people.

  8. A visual reminder is such a neat idea! It makes me think I should “decorate” for Lent. I’ll have to try out your project.

  9. Nancy, love this idea. This is something I would try with my 5 kids. Can you tell me when you explain it to your children or via your own meditation, what does the string symbolize? Thanks Peggy

  10. Wow, you are way craftier than I am! I love this idea, and think it’s wise to have a visual reminder. Unlike the “cross in my pocket” which I really only think about when I’m putting a wrapper in my pocket or something 🙂 – this is much more tangible.

    Beautiful job!

  11. Chrystal says:

    Stopping in and spreading the love from the link up! I will have to save this post so that I’ll have it next year when my (then) 13yo will be at loose ends for a project to inspire him for lent. It looks like it’s right up his alley! Of course I may just have to make one of these myself next year as well LOL. Great idea!!

  12. Joan says:

    I am so thrilled with this project. I love it and am going to try it. I love DIY and this will fit perfectly in my log home

  13. Sherri says:

    I love this. What a beautiful reminder!! I just might have to get hubbies help when he comes home to make one as well.

  14. […] DIY project and photo credit to catholicsprouts.com […]

  15. Ann Gerding says:

    I was explaining to my boys that they belong to Team Family. When I asked them who our coach was I expected the answer: Mom and Dad. I got a much better one: JESUS! I’m going to try out this project over the weekend. I’ll let you know how it goes. I have a simple blog at https://lovenloot.blogspot.com

    • Nancy Bandzuch says:

      Aren’t kids wonderful? Last year I was talking to my 6 year old nephew, asking him if he was excited for Easter. He was, but when I mentioned the Easter bunny and candy he gave me a look like I was really dumb. What are you excited about then, I asked. He smiled, “Jesus raising from the dead!”. Oh yeah. That’s what’s exciting about Easter! Thank goodness for kids!

  16. Trinity says:

    I love this. I wanted to try this out with a very large heart.

  17. meandmr.com says:

    Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. You have a super cute blog! I look forward to reading more.

    You can find me at meandmr.com

    -Melanie @meandmr.com

  18. Noting Grace says:

    Absolutely Lovely! This would be a neat project to do with my boys, too. I love this – thanks for sharing.
    Jen @ Noting Grace

  19. Kara @ Petals to Picots says:

    This is such a great idea … it’s got such a cool look to it!

  20. Laurie@SimplyCreatingHome says:

    Wonderful idea! I haven’t worked nail and string art in a very long time, but I have fond memories of it as a craft. I love how meaningful your project is and what it represents. What a perfect reminder!

  21. Amy says:

    Such a neat idea!! What a great tie-in with the nails too…nice one.

  22. Accidentally Wonderful says:

    That is awesome! Great reminder of the season.

  23. MishMreow M says:

    This is really pretty 🙂 I may look into trying this out sometime 🙂

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